Properly Overstocked!


New Member
Apr 25, 2006
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I have a aquael 45 bowl, it holds 45 litres. I know I have over stocked it.

In the bowl I have 6 neons, 4 harlequins, 4 rummy nosed tetras, 1 siamese figher, 1 golden gourami, 1 kissing gourami and a bristle-nosed catfish.

I've had the fish for quite a while now, however, my fighter died a couple of weeks ago after about 9 months, I just replaced him.

As well as the fish, I have 3 cryptocorne plants, 2 bits of driftwood and 2 fairly large jave fern.

When doing water tests I have the following:

GH 60ppm, KH 180ppm, PH 7.0 - 7.5, NO_2 0, NO_3 30ppm

I think the water is o.k with the above readings, however, I'm more concerned about oxygen deficiency.. any advice?

Also, I am not having any luck with my plants, the most powerful bulb I can get in the bowl is an 11w arcadia original tropical, but the leaves on my java fern keep going pale yellow, then have brown holes in. Some leaves are really green though.

In order to disturb the surface a bit more, I added a bubble device.


Can anyone give me their opinions please?

Also, the GH has been off the chart for a while now, I have just added a softner pillow to bring down, but since doing that, the water has gone a bit cloudy...

Also, the lights are on a 12 hour cycle.
Take out the two Gourami and the BN and its a pretty good stocked tank - I would not mix the Gourami with a Betta though as it can be problematic as they are both territorial surface upper level fish.

I would also take out some of that gravel its taking up quite a bit of valuable water space.

The reason I say take out the Gourami and BN is is because they grow too big for this kind of tank - the BN and Golden Gourami should make 5 to 6 inches and the Kissing Gourami can make 8 inches.

I think your doing all you can for the airation in the tank the air pump is a good idea.

The important thing is just to know the limitations of your tank.

Water changes are your best option. Keep the nitrate under 20ppm before water changes and the water quality is fine.
Yip, my first thoughts were take the Gouramies and the BN out, and ditto removing some of the gravel (do it in stages not all at once because it will be harbouring beneficial bacteria). Light is on a bit long too IMO. Personally, if you could, I would try and get a non "bowl" type aquarium maybe one of the 60L cube or standard 2 foot aquaria ? I know some people really like the bowls but essentially they are more ornamental than practical.

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