Golden Nugget Pic


Fish Crazy
Aug 12, 2011
Reaction score
Wirral UK
Managed to snap a quick pic of my Golen Nugget pleco today.
Unfortunately not the clearest of pics.
I have to move fast as it's very camera shy.
Oh yeah and i'm rubbish with a camera! :nod:


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    golden nugget.jpg
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Nice little nugget.

@pkppv, over a foot in the wild, probably less so in tanks, very hard to replicate optimum conditions for Barys
It should grow to a maximum of 8 inches in a tank.
They are slow growers, I've had it around 4 months and it has grown a little say maybe half an inch.
Stunning fish, very vibrant colours this pic doesn't really do it any justice!
Research and advice from the lfs.
I've read they are reported to max out at 8 inches in a tank and rarely reach 14-20 inches as they do in the wild.
Where did you read that?

We obviously read different sources and I am always on the lookout for more information.
That is a gorgeous fish :good:

I have had one since Feb and it has only grown very slightly if at all. As has been said, it is hard to replicate their natural environment of warm temperatures and a carpet of food.
I google searched care sheets and maximum size for golden nugget and read through what comes up.
These are few I've read through and there maybe something in the archive on this forum
They are beautiful and yes it is hard to replicate there natural envoirement.
I have good filter flow and water movement, plenty of wood and hiding places.
I feed Hikari wafers, shrimp pellets, bloodworm and offer fresh fruit or veg every day wich is happily recieved so I'm doing my best to give him the best possible care.
I believe they are notoriously hard to acclimatise but he has coloured up beautifully and grown slightly since I got him 4 months ago so I'm hoping I'm over the
acclimatisation period now and he will live a long time.
^ agree that Barys are buggers to acclimatise, from both personal and close friends experience.

At 4 months I think you can assume you have made it, always keep an eye on its belly and poo for possible issues.

Haven't read any of the sites you list so will have a look through them when I hhave time, I get my info and input from Planet Catfish, Pleco Planet and L-welse (through google translate)
Hi I'm new to site and just wondered if anyone can give advice on gn's, had mine a couple of days but I've not seen him yet! Is this normal?

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