What Is This? How To Treat?


Fish Fanatic
Sep 27, 2011
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Hi guys, does anyone recognise what this is? Its like a white film/layer patches mostly on his tail, dorsal fins.......also has patches of wet velvet look aswell

It doesn't fall within the fancy goldfish typical disease repitoire of fungus, velvet etc

so i'm wondering if anyone in trops has seen this before.

They are eating, pooing and swimming.....its been a couple of days......

anyone familiar?

they are in a Q tank at the moment,since this morning, until i figure out what it is.


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You might find this site helpful http://www.fishdoc.co.uk/

thanx, will have a look!

It may have something to do with the recent addition of plants, so i've binned the plants and did a 90% water change, and monitor.

i really liked those plants aswell

their roots were, brown and rotton yet the leaves were green & healthy....don't get it.

Or it could be the aloe vera in the stress coat....doen'st matter since that was the last drop of the bottle and i'm trying a new water conditioner - Sodium Thiosulfate
I would suggest daily large water changes until you figure out what is going on. Water changes are always the best tonic for any situation until you know exactly what to do. If you can't actually treat the problem, the least you can do is keep the fish in crystal clean water so that its own immune system has a chance to do its thing.
If your plants had healthy green leaves, the brown roots shouldn't be a problem. Are you sure they were rotten, as in ALL of them? Many times when you plant aquarium plants some of the roots will rot, only to be replaced by nice healthy roots.

Don't know what's wrong with your fish ... I know nothing about goldfish, but good luck.
@ eagles hi, thanks, will do.

@ This Old spouse - hi, yes all the leaves are very green & healthy, even getting new leaves. No not all the roots are rotton - the young roots are brown and when u squeeze them, they turn to mush instantly , whereas the older roots are whiter and have a firm feel to them. They're not aquatic plants, my fishes wud make mincemeat of those. Instead they are household plants, removed and rinsed soil, and just their roots are submerged in the tank - purpose- to suck up the nitrate from my tap water.

By the way, this weekend's water change was a breeze, even with a large tank, the hose out, and tap hose back into the tank, was quick & less stressful, so many thanks to both yous.

I don't know whether its cos i remove the plants, or did 2 x 90% w/changes, or whether i gave them both a salt dip (@1% concentration for 5mins), or all three, but they're up and perky :fish: . will monitor it.Hopefully that white slick will disappear with the water changes.

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