My Apistogramma Agassizi 'double Red' Pair


Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2011
Reaction score
Southeastern United States
Here's my male showing off (first picture), and his girl (second picture)

Apistogrammas are interesting to watch. Their color patterns actually change depending on their "mood". In the picture the female is trying to entice the male into her cave. She's been dancing for him and showing her belly. Note the single black spot on her side. This morning, she's got a solid black line from gill to tail running down her side.

My other pair of Apistos, Rotpunkt, are still younger and not showing much color yet, but the male alternates between having a solid line down his side, to a line with some vertical stripes, to a more checkerboard pattern. It's amazing that they can change up their patterns so much.


  • MaleApisto.jpg
    43.6 KB · Views: 87
  • FemaleApisto.jpg
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lovely fish, but I don't think you are doing them justice with that luminous blue gravel. I think they would colour up much better with a dark substrate.
lovely fish, but I don't think you are doing them justice with that luminous blue gravel. I think they would colour up much better with a dark substrate.

Yes, I agree...the blue gravel was my concession to my husband and son in the negotiations for the 75g tank :rolleyes: ....I'm buying sand substrate and will do a gradual conversion....they won't notice :hey: (you'll notice some sand already around the female's chosen cave, I've replaced the gravel in that area of the tank already).

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