Pregnant Sunset Platy?


New Member
Oct 23, 2011
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Can anyone tell me if any of my fish in the picture are pregnant? I think the one on the right is but Im not sure. If one of them are, can I know how many weeks till she is due? Thanks :)


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shes most likely preg if shes been in contact with male plattys in the last 6 months. i dont think shes ready yet... 2 weeks maybe? i dont know. mine got really fat before she popped.
i might be wrong... but if she dose give birth just put the fry in a breeders net? or if u have alot of moss or other dense plants some are bound to survive
I have another tank for the fry because I had a previous fish that died giving birth without me knowing, and when I cleaned the filter I found a few fry. I got three new platies last friday all females. So I just want to know if one of them are pregnant or not, so I can be prepared to save the babies. I don't have a breeding net or box to put the female in so I was hoping to save he fry by netting them out. I think one of them is pregnant since I can see the gravid spot with little eyes, I just want to know about how long it will take for her to have her babies.

Thanks for responding!
Thanks, it keeps me from worry about when she will have them, since I'm a beginner, I get very excited when it come to them having babies!! :D

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