Bizzare Behaviour


New Member
Oct 14, 2011
Reaction score
Tank size:65L
tank temp:25 Degrees
Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Occasionally lays on a side, if it was a goldfish I'd of thought it was a goner, it done this just now whilst watching it, doesnt seem to swim to that, just rolls off onto it with no issues
Volume and Frequency of water changes: 1/6 change once per week
Chemical Additives or Media in your tank:
Tank inhabitants:5x Tiger Barb, 1x Ruby Shark, 1x Pleco, 1x Catfish
Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):pleco and Catfish added together
Exposure to chemicals:
Digital photo (include if possible):
*off topic sorry* Is it a common pleco? if so your tank is WAY too small for him. If he is not a common i appolagise :blush:

+1 what type of catfish?

Also, tiger barbs like to be in bigger groups as they are shoaling fish. They need to be in groups of 10+
Also, your tank is too small for that ruby shark. They can be very teritorial and has a higher chance of hurting another fish in a tank that size.

We also realy need to know your water parameters- mainly Ammonia, Nitrite, Nitrate
Hi all,

I'm no expert and will relay what I was told from the pet shops I have purchased from.

Tiger Barbs are grouped fish, and require a minimum of five, hence doing so, and I was going to buy some more barbs, but not tigers, didnt know if they needed to be of the same type.

Ruby Shark, got told to keep these single, as they would hunt as a pack if more than one, was told that it would be fine with my tank size, bottom feeder and would chase other fish that come to the bottom, and it does chase the barbs occasionally

Catfish, well, I have not been told the type but I have browsed on google and believe it is the following, Synodontis multipunctatus (CuckooCatfish), says it grows to approx 6" ( link is to my reference point

The pleco I have no idea what it is, here's a picture


I am hoping to run the tank for a year at the most and upsize as being new to fish keeping, I didnt want to go in big and find I can't do it, or lose interest, but I have done completely the opposite and thrive to learn more,

I will do a water test today, thanks again all for getting intouch, i'll do my best to answer any questions
Hi all,

I'm no expert and will relay what I was told from the pet shops I have purchased from.

Unfortunately, alot of people that work at LFS's or LPS's tell us the wrong thing :/
Your not the only one to be told the wrong thing and believed them though, lots of people- includeing me :blush: - believed them and ended up with the wrong size fish for the tank :/
Ive only noticed this behaviour late in the evening/early morning, rough sleeper?
Tank size:65L
ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
kH: ??
gH: ??
tank temp:25 Degrees

Just done the tests with the figures shown above, would I sound silly to say that when Ive just seen my catfish he's settled in a / position, nose down, but seems tail end buoyant?
nitrate should not be 0 if your tank is cycled. How long has your tank been set up and How was it cycled?

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