Paulw333's Roma 200


New Member
Aug 23, 2011
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Tank 1.jpgHi everyone!,

This is my 1st post so (please) be nice :D

Here is a pic of my tank, i hope you like!, any advise would kindly be appriciated, my stock list is as follows:-

8 Lemon Tetra's
6 Red Phantom Tetra's
2 Bolivian Ram's (m&f hopefully)
1 Female Dward gourami
1 Pitbull Pleco
3 Bronze cory's
1 (rarely seen) Amano Shrimp

I over filter with 1 Fluval 105 Ext. filter & 1 Fluval U4 Int. Filter
I have one nutrafin co2 canister & dose weekly with JBL plant food

Does anybody have any idea what other stock i maybe able too have, if any?

I await your replies :D
Beautiful matey :) I would upgrade your external so you can remove the internal though. :)
I like the look of your tank, it's really nice. With the corys, I would suggest the possibility of changing your substrate to sand as it's much nicer on their barbels as they love to burrow and dig. It's an all day job but I recently changed over and wouldn't go back. It would set off the colour of your plants beautifully as it would contrast. I would say to up your cory numbers to 5 as they are most confident in a larger group. You have some nice large groups of tetra though which is really good :)
Beautiful matey :) I would upgrade your external so you can remove the internal though. :)

Thanks for the comment minnnt, that is the plan eventually, its just that i already had the 105 from my older (smaller) tank, and the U4 came with the roma 200.
What type of external would you recommend?

I like the look of your tank, it's really nice. With the corys, I would suggest the possibility of changing your substrate to sand as it's much nicer on their barbels as they love to burrow and dig. It's an all day job but I recently changed over and wouldn't go back. It would set off the colour of your plants beautifully as it would contrast. I would say to up your cory numbers to 5 as they are most confident in a larger group. You have some nice large groups of tetra though which is really good :)

I'm wanting to add maybe 3 more cory's...its just finding the time to get to my LFS, about the sand situation, i dont feel as though i could do a complete substrate change as i JBL Manado under the gravel and i dont really want to disturb that. I have been told to bury a shallow bowl into the substrate and add sand, so that they can have an area to dig!, what are your thoughts?
I can't recommend the TetraTEC ex1200's enough mate. I have 3, 1 of which is up for sale. :D ;) seeing as you're nice and local it would cut down on postage etc. :D

Up your groups to 10 of each and make the cories upto 6. Will look excellent.

As for sand, it is better for your cory... You could have sand on one side so it wouldn't be too much hassle to remove the gravel.
for a first tank, thats really well done. :good:
I can't recommend the TetraTEC ex1200's enough mate. I have 3, 1 of which is up for sale. :D ;) seeing as you're nice and local it would cut down on postage etc. :D

Up your groups to 10 of each and make the cories upto 6. Will look excellent.

As for sand, it is better for your cory... You could have sand on one side so it wouldn't be too much hassle to remove the gravel.

Would i have enough room for 10 lemons and 10 Phantoms?, i'm deffo gonna get the corys some mates soon...

I'll consider your offer mate, how much you looking for it?

for a first tank, thats really well done. :good:

Ianho, thanks alot :) ... this is actually my 2nd tank (1st was a 64l)....but this is my very 1st planted tank :) .... (ive read alot of books and seen alot of vid's lol!)
Hey mate. I would say you have enough space to increase the shoals to 10.

As for the filter, it's about 2 months old, fully cycled and comes with all media and pipework. Also have the original box and the instruction booklet. Looking for £50 for it.
Hey mate. I would say you have enough space to increase the shoals to 10.

As for the filter, it's about 2 months old, fully cycled and comes with all media and pipework. Also have the original box and the instruction booklet. Looking for £50 for it.

I'll have a think about that mate and let ya know! is a lil bit tight at the minute, but i'll consider it :)

Had a bit of a trim with the plants over the weekend, gonna try and get some pics later tonight and post them up. :)
Well guys, sorry for the delay in adding photos, got totally side tracked and it slipped my mind!
Anywho ive had some new addition that were introduced lastnight, so im going to take some photo's tonight and put them up on here tomorrow.

The new guys are a beautiful Clown Pleco (Krusty) and 6 Cherry Red Shrimp (The Mob)

Hi guys, a few more pics taken last night, had a bit of a prune and slight replant since my 1st pic, all residents seem to be doing just fine,

Tell me what you guys think, and any more tips? :)

PS. sorry about the pic quality, im having too use my Blackberry and it isnt all that good!


Side angle


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One of my Bolivian Ram's playing hide and seek!


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