Betta Has Lost Colour, Is Laying On The Bottom Of The Tank


New Member
Dec 10, 2010
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I noticed on Sunday that my betta has lost most of his colour, and he's laying on the bottom of the tank. I know he's not dead because I see his gills moving (quite rapidly), and once in a while he struggles up to the top of the tank to gulp in some air. He hasn't done that in a while, though.

I have him in a 5 gallon tank, all by himself except for some trumpet snails that I added maybe 1 week before he got sick. Do you think they're the reason he's sick?

Water changes don't seem to work. I did a 50% water change on Sunday, and another one on Monday, and it didn't seem to work. I don't know if I should keep doing water changes because he seemed to get sicker when I did those two water changes. I don't know if it's because of the water changes, or if it's just a progression of what he's got.

I use Prime on the water.

My room runs a little hot, and I thought that was why he was loosing his colour, but I've had all the windows open for the entire week with a fan blowing the air from the open window in his direction, and it's not working. Th current temp of his tank is 26 degrees.

I don't know the water parameters. I don't have a test kit, and the nearest fish store is 1.5 hours away, I'll try to get the kit soon, but I'm a full time student, and I also work part time, so it's hard to find the time to make the trip.

I attached some pictures. Sorry they're really bad, I took them with my cell.


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