I know, huh! I guess the female wanted a little action.. she couldn't even wait a week. And then she barely waited over a week to do it again! It isn't supposed to work like this!
Alright, got a few more pics. First, here is one of the babies. I think you can see 6 in this pic. Sorry they are out of focus - they're still so tiny.
Here is their daddy, laughing at the one who is still brooding. You'll be able to see the big difference in their jaw sizes in the next pic. Anyways, here is tired, but proud, dad!
dragonfish - These are not betta splendens, the type of betta I'm sure you are thinking of (the type that live in cups, etc).... These are betta falx. They are larger, and are mouthbrooders. The males take care of the eggs and fry for two weeks. The fry will look just like the parents, are my trio is F3 (3rd generation wild). I don't want them to be any more colorful, this is their natural appearance and I think they're beautiful.
Thanks wuv! You'll have to read my thread in B&G - has more info on them.
Here is a more recent pic of babies, now that they are starting to show up in pics. These are mostly the um... 3 day olds. There is a bigger one though - he is 2nd from the left (and almost 2 weeks old I think). Aren't they adorable.
thellama - I kind of doubt it, for several reasons. First because of the nature of splendens - I don't think they would quite get along with such a peaceful fish during spawning. Also, since these fish are mouthbrooders - I don't know if splenden eggs could be brooded, and I know that falx eggs could NOT be in bubble nests. I don't know, maybe it could happen.... but it seems highly unlikely. Personally I'd like to see them stay seperate, the're beautiful as they are, and we don't need more hybrids in the world.