75 Gallon Purchased Now The Fun Begins


Fish Fanatic
Aug 24, 2011
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Southeastern United States
Ok, so I had approval for a 55 gallon, then hubby said get a 75 gallon....I had to strike while I had approval!

75 gallon is in the house, stand is being assembled, then the cycle has to start and I get weeks to impatiently plan my fish and tank layout. :blink:
I'm jealous :drool:

I love my 25 but I can't wait to really have some room to work with. I'm a long way off from having space (and money) for it though.

What are your initial thoughts for direction of stocking?
How exciting! Good luck with everything. What fish are you planning on getting?
Right now I'm thinking smaller colorful ciclids, the rest I'm still researching.....so many possibilities with this tank that I don't have in my smaller tanks
Here's a picture of the new tank. It took most of the night last night to get the stand assembled, so I didn't get the water in yet. It's funny, that decoration (Fake driftwood) looked HUGE at the store, but is tiny in the tank. I think I'll need to make or purchase something additional....maybe rock caves. I did get a handful of plants to start off with, they are currently in one of my other tanks until I can get the subtrate and water in this one. I bought a EHEIM canister filter for this tank, and will probably add a second one as well. And eventually, I'll get a black or blue background added to the tank.


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Wow, that is going to be a beautiful tank once up and running. The stand looks real nice too by the way :)

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