Is She Pregnant?

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Sep 4, 2011
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This fish is literally making me crazy. We have had 2 false alarms so far, but this time I think she really is... (Said this twice before... haha).
HOWEVER... All she does is take a really big poop and she deflates, lol. AAHHH!! It's so exhausting! >0<
She hangs around the plants/heater/bottom all the time as well.

Anyways, just need a second opinion. Sorry for the bad quality, I only had my blackberry at the time.


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If you have male platys in the tank, yes she'll be pregnant. The dark gravid spot does suggest this.

Is there plenty of cover for her to hide in and give birth? Livebearers and other fish will eat fry straight away if they find them. She could also be stressed and reabsorbing the fry.
If you have male platys in the tank, yes she'll be pregnant.
+1, unless there is something biologically wrong with her reproductive system.

The dark gravid spot does suggest this.
The colour of the gravid spot has nothing to do with whether a female is pregnant or not. It has everything to do with genes ;)

Is there plenty of cover for her to hide in and give birth? Livebearers and other fish will eat fry straight away if they find them. She could also be stressed and reabsorbing the fry.
+1, the tank looks far too bare for the female to be comfortable for birthing. Well fed fish may leave the fry alone.
It is a little bare at the moment because I had just separated her to a 4 gallon tank. I also just wanted to get a clear picture of her; I knew that having plants in the way and a crappy bb camera wouldn't really help. I do have plants and items for her to birth though so I will do that tonight. Looks like she had a big poop again but still looks pregnant. There are male platys in the tank, yes. Can anyone tell me how far along she might be?
Can anyone tell me how far along she might be?
How old is she and how many times has she given birth already? If she is very young, then probably a fair bit along, if she is old, then right at the start: the females have more fry with age. Once they mature, the number of fry doesn't increase very much, but old females are capable of having 200 fry, while for younger ones, 30-70 is more common. First drops tend to contain 5-30 fry.
Oh my god, 200 fry? She's only in a 4 gallon tank! However I don't think she is that old but I couldn't give you an exact age. I got her maybe 2 months ago and she was fully grown then so; quite honestly I have no idea. Since I have had her, she has never been pregnant. I guess it is just a waiting game now. If she drops, I'll count and post it here.
Oh my god, 200 fry? She's only in a 4 gallon tank! However I don't think she is that old but I couldn't give you an exact age. I got her maybe 2 months ago and she was fully grown then so; quite honestly I have no idea. Since I have had her, she has never been pregnant. I guess it is just a waiting game now. If she drops, I'll count and post it here.
If she has been in the same tank as males for the last two months and there is nothing biologically wrong with her, she has been pregnant for 2 months and probably dropped at least one batch of fry already. Given that you didn't notice it and you got her only two months ago, she is most likely only 5-6 months old, so I would expect her to be somewhere in the first to normal sized drop numbers. That is to say, dropping somewhere between 15 and 50 fry.

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