My Juwel Trigon 190

gixer said:
thats a beautiful tank.....tank of the month i think
:D i agree nice work on the trigon (standard jewel lighting is c**p ) i have 3 jewels 240 , 400 and (190 like yours i got all mine on the cheap ) except the 400 paid full price £650 with external fluval 404 :kewlpics: deffinatly totm for me well done :cool:
thats one studly tank..

nice stand to go with it aswell..

u have almost all the same fish as one of the tanks that looks similar at one of my lfs' .....

cept u got no endlers lol... the tiger barbs instead...

good luck in totm
Hi, Thanks for your very nice comments on my tank and nominations to be put forward into the TOTM comp. Here are a couple more pics taken today.


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Another pic


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Last one....


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Thanks Arashi :D , It's always nice to get some praise for a job well done. It was hard work but worth every second it takes to maintane. :)
I took the Cabomba out as it was starting to die off a bit and loads od small bits kept breaking off and cloging the filter intake. I found out the reason it grew really well at first then started to die was because I didn't trim it back properly. I have now added some Hygrophilia Polysperma and Red Myriphylium (spelling?) in it's place. The H. Polysperma cuttings I received were only 5/6" in hieght so it can't be seen behind the driftwood yet. It grows fast so should be looking better in a couple of weeks. Heres a pic since the changes.....


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Lovely tank - how is it going these days? Any problems? I am planning on getting the Trigon 190 as well, and would be keen to learn of any issues you had with it (you mentioned the lights weren't the best!).

I notice you used the Juwel textured background for the back walls of your tank - can you (or anyone) tell me if this has any benefit to the tank over, say, the usual photos that go on the outside of the tank?

Does it get alge growing on it, because it looks like it might be a pain to clean if it does.


Great tank set up ! ! if my new one looks half as good as yours i will be well chuffed ! :nod:

well done !
This tank will only get better and better as the plants fill in and you get even better at finding out what is happiest where. Nice job!


I must say that after seeing your tank i must have one now.

I've already got a 110l tank but the corner tanks are lovely. Thanks for posting your tank.

Can you list all the fish you have in there please?



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