Fish Fanatic
I am having big problems with white spot at the moment. My female clown is covered in the tiny white barely visible dots the male doesn't seem to be showing any signs and the wrasse is clear too but my goby is starting to get them too.
I was planning on setting up a quarantine tank to take the clowns out and treat them with copper but im worried that by the time its cycled it will be too late.
Also the freshwater dip sounds like a good plan but surely this will only treat the parasites attached to the fish and nothing else causing more stress to the fish and as a consequence more white spot + this would mean destroying the tank every time to catch the goby.
After some research i think i need a way of removing the free floating stage of the parasite as well as destroying the parasites attached to the fish so i am considering buying a uv sterilizer, is this a good idea? with this killing the parasites and preventing the spread, and using a freshwater dip on the female clown will this be enough to hopefully treat the problem?
It was moving the fish in the first place that caused the outbreak so i really don't like the thought of moving them again.
what are your opinions on this video a lot of what the guy is saying seems to make sense although i don't think cleaning shrimp are a good idea in my system with a boxing and a pistol shrimp http/
I have had the clownfish for about 4 years now and i hate to see them suffer after never having a marine fish die in my care, i will do anything to make them better again.
I was planning on setting up a quarantine tank to take the clowns out and treat them with copper but im worried that by the time its cycled it will be too late.
Also the freshwater dip sounds like a good plan but surely this will only treat the parasites attached to the fish and nothing else causing more stress to the fish and as a consequence more white spot + this would mean destroying the tank every time to catch the goby.
After some research i think i need a way of removing the free floating stage of the parasite as well as destroying the parasites attached to the fish so i am considering buying a uv sterilizer, is this a good idea? with this killing the parasites and preventing the spread, and using a freshwater dip on the female clown will this be enough to hopefully treat the problem?
It was moving the fish in the first place that caused the outbreak so i really don't like the thought of moving them again.
what are your opinions on this video a lot of what the guy is saying seems to make sense although i don't think cleaning shrimp are a good idea in my system with a boxing and a pistol shrimp http/
I have had the clownfish for about 4 years now and i hate to see them suffer after never having a marine fish die in my care, i will do anything to make them better again.