Oddly Bloated Betta

Meggie :)

Fish Addict
Jun 10, 2011
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Hi so I just noticed last night that my little sister's betta was oddly bloated...i've never seen a bloat like this before...it seems like its only the back half of his stomach that's bloated...not his "chest." I mean, his chest is bloated, but I've never seen a bloat that was that this big in the back compared to the front. Any ideas on what this is and possible cures would be appreciated!

Also, does it look like he has fin rot? I don't know if you can see it in one of the pics but his right pectoral fin looks like it has a "chip" out of it. And he is a crowntail, but his caudal fin doesn't look like a crowntail should...my little sister said he looked like that when we got him, but I'm not so sure.

He is in a bowl that is almost 2 gallons...she has had him for....at the least 6 months...i don't remember exactly when she got him. We do a weekly clean on it where we take out all the decor and the gravel, thouroughly wash it, then fill it back up with the gravel, decor, and fresh new treated water.

Please help! It would break her heart if he died :(







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Get your sis to stop feeding him for a few days to see if it goes down. Also try giving shelled blanched peas as these help fish with constipation. She'd need to pop the shell off and mush them up into bits that he can manage to eat.

If it goes down after all that she may be feeding too much. Is she feeding pellets? They only really need one or two a time. If she's feeding any freeze dried foods that can cause bloating. They really need to be soaked first and fed sparingly as a treat.

And yeah he does look like he has fin rot. Your sis will need to do regular water changes to keep it nice and clean in there plus treat with a fin rot med. There are people on here who have more experience with that. They can recommend what to use and how and if you look through page two and three here you'll see plenty of threads about fin rot and what people say to do.
thank you! so I talked to my mom and she said that he has been bloated like this for months? could that mean internal parasite? and also is there medication to give him for fin rot?
Yes there is stuff for fin rot. It's available in pets at home, ebay and lfs. It will say on it fin rot treatment. can't advise you on the parasite issue I'm afraid as I've had no experience of this. Is he pooing ok? What do the poos look like. Often the look of poo is an indication of parasites.

I had a Betta do this to me as well. It is possibly a disease call Dropsy. It's not treatable because it wrecks the insides of your fish. But some signs of it are : lethargic, pine-coning of the scales (this is where the scales stick out like a pine cone), not coming up for air or not eating.
it's definately not dropsy...i've had that before. Thank you for your input though :) So my mom drove out today and picked up some stuff for fin rot, and my little sister is going to stop feeding him as much. He may just be overfed. But now MY betta has this furry thing on his eye that's white. It's very small though. I am using a medication called API betta fix...heals damaged fins and skin...will this help with the thing on his eye too, as I think it's either fungal or bacterial? I can post a picture if need be...because im not sure. I've never had this before :/

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