Fish Acting Weird


Mar 2, 2011
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picked up a pair of blue sheatfish last night and they settled in ok, swimming around together etc

this morning when the light came on i noticed one was hiding at the back of the tank behind some wood and under some plants, he was laying on the sand like he was dead.

10 mins later i looked up and he was swimming like normal, then 10 mins later he is back there again. this has been happening all day. he has also been on the sand in another part of the tank under a bit of wood shaped like a cave.

the other one is swimming around happy and so are all my other fish.

waters stats are 0 amm, 0 nirtite.

could he be just a bit stressed?
Give him some time, sometimes fish can have funny stress related behaviour. Also maybe think about putting him into quarantine just in case it is an infection.

Google your fish breed and you can probably find out about their behaviour under stress.

Hope he improves
now they are both doing it!

maybe they are just hiding away as they arent used to the bright lights, the tank they were in at the shop was badly lit, think he said a bulb had gone.
I'm intrigued, what's a blue sheatfish? Got any pictures?

here they are,


or even better a video here
hang on...
are they not just glass catfish...???
in which case, you need more. because they live in large groups; a small group could cause stress.

after watching the video, im pretty convinced they're glass catfish
(will stand corrected if im wrong) B-)
no, it's not a glass cat. If you google it you can get quite a bit of info. They're pretty cool fish.
they are definitely not glass cat fish.

they are muh fatter bodied, and arent as clear. you can only see thought their bottom fin not their body

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