help fish deaths baffling me !!!!!!


Fish Crazy
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
manchester england
can anyone help me my tank was smelling i do water changes once a week with treated tap water my nirate/nirite/ammonia/phospourus/ph/hardness levels are all fine they are checked evry second daymy temp is 30/86f
now to the point 4 weeks ago my polypterus(reed fish )died unknown death no sings off illness (fish was 6yrs old maybee old age i thought)
2 weeks ago gol nugget pl*c died (would not move was alive but appered paralzied)
last week royal pl*c died same symptoms
tueday this week 1 botia modesta(orange finned loach)died had a whiteish glaze all over it when i seen it but the day before it wae fine
yester day my other botia had this same whiteish layer over its back (dead)

have since been out a got some protozin(treats whitespot,velvet,costiasis,trichodiniasis,neon tetra disease and fungus)

all my other fish seen healthy but so did the ones that hve died

the tank has been running for 8 years i have come across may illness in that time but i need help wlth this one please i dont want to lose my clown loaches as they are huge and i love them please help am i using the right med


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seems like that could be a form of bacteria or parasite because of the quick onset. Is the medication that you are giving them working now? If not I would try coppersafe from mardel. That works very well. Just make sure that there are only fish in the tank if you but it in. Very good med.
Could it be as simple as CO2 poisoning. 86f is kinda hot for a tropical tank and with the water that warm you need extra aeration to keep up the proper levels of disolved oxygen.
Could also be protozoan infection, I have used the Protozin on Magic, my Plec who suffers an immune disorder and is prone to these things. It also helps to keep your gravel completely clean, hoover it regularily and use an external canister filter. As it all seems to be bottom-dwelling fish you're having the problems with, I would strongly suspect thats where your issues are.

Esha also make an anti whitespot (will also treat protozoan parasites and costiasis) and an anti bacterial remedy (in case of bacterial bloom in the gravel) which can be used together. Magic was also once prone to dropsy-like symptoms and I used these medications. Might be worth giving Eshas anti-whitespot treatment a go if you see no improvement with protozin but make sure to remove the protozin with a water change and carbon before using the Esha medication. Good luck!
i already have an external filter running on the tank i also have 4 air lines and 2 venturi action powerheads dissrupting the biomass(top skin of water allowing aerobic process's to happen )but i will try o2 tablets thanks anway sk
just used my mates test kit it was sky high so adding the zeo carb now and doing water change thank all but i will treat for coctasis thanks all :D :D :D
I thought loaches like water kinda cooler. I think that looks like a fungus to me. If in fact that is what it is the temp. Should be a lot lower I think it spreads more in warmer temps. Some one please correct me if I'm wrong. But I dony think I am.
:D i haver had the tank at this temp for 2 yrs now and my loaches have been fine i read in books and stuff that the temp for loaches can from 23-30(73-86) so i think it maybee a matter of preference i fuond that at lower tepm they were suceptalle to ich but had no problems since raising the temp till now fish at a higher temp grow quicker to in my personal opinion i maybee wrong but all the fish i have tollerate the high temp i only buy fish that can the treatment i am using seems to be working also found out my ammonia levels where off the scale so addressed that problem too thanks all

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