I am a little betta paranoid....


Aug 23, 2003
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Toon Town
Okay, first I will tell you why I am paranoid.....first Frank gets sick....seems to be doing a bit better every day *crosses fingers*

...but second...I lost one of Julie's bettas last night....have no idea why. Was just laying at the bottom of his tank...I mean, he DID have the "EYE OF DOOM" but that has been like that FOREVER, never stopped him from bubble-nesting to the sky. :-(

Anyway, the reason for this post is actually "Amigo" :wub: Also Julie's. (..and mine :p )
His tail has tear-drop shaped thingies on the end....have never noticed them before, but I have been inspecting them a little closer since I lost one of the girls' fish. :( He is the only one who seems to have anything of question about him..... :unsure:

Please tell me I am just being paranoid. :nod:


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R.I.P. Emperor Kuzco... :byebye:

Kuzco is actually famous....won FOTM on TankTalk. :p Good boy. :D


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freshmike said:
R.I.P. Emperor Kuzco... :byebye:

Kuzco is actually famous....won FOTM on TankTalk. :p Good boy. :D
I remember that betta.........He was in Julies Avatar a long time ago right......?

R.I.P.........Kuzco :byebye: :rip:

Im going to have to do some VODOO on u Freshmike......
freshmike said:
Okay, first I will tell you why I am paranoid.....first Frank gets sick....seems to be doing a bit better every day *crosses fingers*

...but second...I lost one of Julie's bettas last night....have no idea why. Was just laying at the bottom of his tank...I mean, he DID have the "EYE OF DOOM" but that has been like that FOREVER, never stopped him from bubble-nesting to the sky. :-(

Anyway, the reason for this post is actually "Amigo" :wub: Also Julie's. (..and mine :p )
His tail has tear-drop shaped thingies on the end....have never noticed them before, but I have been inspecting them a little closer since I lost one of the girls' fish. :( He is the only one who seems to have anything of question about him..... :unsure:

Please tell me I am just bieng paranoid. :nod:
One of my marbles had that. What's the water quality like? Have you checked the filter? I did water changes and that seemed to alleviate it. Put him in a small bowl and do water changes every other day until it subsides - maybe a week or so. Other than that, I really don't use medications unless I really have to.
He doesn't have a filter...he is in a Redsea curvy tank, 2.5g...water quality is good, I change them quite often....I will try what you said though.... :nod:
Red Sea curvee??? Did you post a pic of that or was that someone else? How come you won't set it up with a Palm filter. Pretty cheap online at Foster and Smith - only $6.99


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Freshmike, I am so wierded out by you posting this because I HAVE THE EXACT SAME PROBLEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

My Gold Angel in my 30 gallon tank has the EXACT SAME THING except they are white and are on his bottom of the two butt fin things. He has long flowing fins too :blink: SInce his are white though I was thinking * OMG, I am getting ICK!!!! * (ICH?) But I just don't think that is what it is.......maybe it means that they are going to grow new segments of fin?????? :eek:

It just freaks me out that you posted pictures of it too because I was just sitting here today thinking *how in the heck am I going to get pictures of this up, I don't own a digital??? *

Hmmmmmmm :shifty: I wonder what it is?

BTW, water is excellent in that tank!! :dunno:
So Dr.FreshMike, how's your little patient doing?
:X I don't want to be Dr. Freshmike anymo!! I am no good at it!
Maybe I am just not meant to have bettas.....Amigo seems to be doing fine...always excited, just like his girlfriends that live next door to him...however, Frank is NOT doing so well...argh. :/

Anyway, here is the Redsea tank....I have 2, but only using one....Kuzco used to have the other.


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