

If you're a bird, I'm a bird
Mar 5, 2004
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Wyoming, brrrr!
Hi! I went to the fish store today and brought home three bettas that I am almost 100% positive are plakats. The guy at the store said they are normal veiltails that got beat up at some point, but I feel differently. Anyway, I wanted to put up a few pictures to see what you guys think. The tanks are new, and one in still in a cup, so excuse the bubbles and such. Also the pictures are bad, I am so excited I just wanted to hurry.


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Here's the yellow one, this one has lots of bubbles :fun:


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The pictures of the last one don't do him justice, he has a black body with deep blue fins, he's amazing so I'll try again when the bubbles go down.
In the meantime, always the ham, here's Flare. I was taking pictures of the new ones and he was showing off so badly, I had to snap a shot. :rolleyes:


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That first betta is awsome!

I don't know if they are plakats but they are definatly not beat up veiltails. They are for sure some kind of short finned male.

Once again, that first one is really really neat!!! :wub:
The marble and yellow both look like plakats to me. Compare finnage with the six plakats in my signature. If they are 'evenly' short and stand stiff when flaring, then they are most likely plakats.
i like the marble one... really cool looking ... its possible that they are plakats... better pics might help sometime
Plakats are the type of betta that are in Itty's signature. They are the true fighters.
I've compared, that's definately what they are, I feel so lucky, I paid $3.50 for each of them! I'm glad that guy was'd think if you had three bettas that were all "beat up" in the exact same way with no tattered fins, you might put something together. Oh well, I'm happy. I'll get some good pictures tomorrow, like I said I just set up their tanks so they are full of bubbles and I was in a hurry, so I just took what I could get.
not tryin to hijack forum but a plakat is a male betta that has short fins, kinda like a females fins... they are usually more aggressive as they are used for fighting (like sorrel said)

yea i thought theyd be plakats they look like em... marble plakat... now thats a winner... the yellow one is pretty cool too.. if u get some more pics of the marble plakat and ill pick 1 for botm
I'll get some good pics of the marble tomorrow, he is seriously awesome. I just put some better ones of the yellow in a ne topic under "Better Plakat Picture" or something like that. I probably shouldn't have done a new topic, but it's so late, I'm amazed I even got the pictures up!
Oh WOW, that marble is A Real Handsome Fish.
wow, id die to get a marble plakat like that, his color is gorgeous! the yellow one is for sure rare as do you have some dumb lfs people near you haha :lol:

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