Platy Poops A Lot?

Mr Melt

Apr 18, 2011
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Hi guys. A few days ago I bought a male red wagtail platy for my 50ltr Fishbox. Since then I have noticed that he has been pooping (quite literally) non bloody stop. Its always the same too; very long pure white faeces (but not thin or stringy, almost normal in size). I've never seen a fish do it so many times. For example, within the last 5-10 minutes he has pooped not twice but 3 times.

He's managed to offload more crap in the past 2 days in my tank than the rest of my bloody fish combined!

Is this a problem? If its any help I feed him the "LoveFish Tropical Flakes" once a day. I also plan on starting them all on frozen bloodworms within the next week or so (got them in the freezer this morning).

Also; none of the other fish seem to have this problem whatsoever =/

PS - sorry if I just put you off dinner; at first it was funny but its kinda worrying now; I hope my wee platys ok like =/
If he's new to the tank, it could possibly be just a stress related thing. I had a Gourami which did the same thing when I added him to the tank, but in a few days he was fine. Maybe keep an eye on him for a few more days and then if there are no changes, make another post on here. Also platys do naturally produce A LOT of waste anyway :fun:
If he's new to the tank, it could possibly be just a stress related thing. I had a Gourami which did the same thing when I added him to the tank, but in a few days he was fine. Maybe keep an eye on him for a few more days and then if there are no changes, make another post on here. Also platys do naturally produce A LOT of waste anyway :fun:
Thanks for the quick response.

Aye, the stress seems logical; regardless of how dirty platys are, the amount our small friend in question has passed is quite ridiculous, even for a standard goldfish =P

He likes to hide in the wee sunken ship I have in the tank, so its possibly stress related. If it doesnt change by Monday then I'll repost here =)
Not a problem at all. All common livebearers tend to trail bit of poop behind them much of the time. If they are eating well, they will be seen to trail some poop behind them. I really don't notice it much any more, it is more or less a constant feature of those fish.
After spectating his activities tonight I can honestly say theres something wrong. I dont exaggurate when I say that my wee platy spends more of his time pooping than he does swimming normally; by contrast I have yet to see my Harlequins, my White Widow or my Betta goto the toilet. And its still the same thick white substance (not stringy). I know this sounds nasty, but should I upload a picture to describe what I mean?
This is probably the only pic I have of him "doing his business" that is of any real clarity.

I should note that he does this so regularly that hes only just gone and pooped again whilst I've been typing this reply to the thread (no joke)

UPDATE - ok this cant be normal - the poops gone almost a translucent white (with a greenish hue to it)!

Could this be an internal parasite?

By the way hes been pooping nonstop for the past 2 days (and just to make sure its not normal I've held back from feeding my fish for the past 2 days just to be safe)..........
If you are getting an odd color, it may be time to post in the tropical emergencies section, along with your picture. Transparent is definitely not normal although I do sometimes see green when I am feeding them green food.
If you are getting an odd color, it may be time to post in the tropical emergencies section, along with your picture. Transparent is definitely not normal although I do sometimes see green when I am feeding them green food.
Done. Thanks for the advice =)
I Dunno but ya may wanna look into horse hair worm disease. Cant say much about it from personal experience but My wife and I both do A LOT of reading about the tanks since we started a fe months back and thats one we watch for a lot if we get ghost shrimp and the pics I have seen of them curled up inside the shrimp look a little like that. Again I am no expert just a possibility.
its probloly what he eats or a king of different speciy poop

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