Favourite Fish

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open!
FishForums.net Fish of the Month
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Fish Crazy
Nov 17, 2010
Reaction score
Sunny Liverpool
No doubt this has been done before, but whats peoples favourite fish, I'll start with mine, its got to be for me the otto I just love the busy little fish if it was up to me and the other half had no say in it thats all I would have in the tank.
Changes often, but at the moment, dwarf gouramis. Also love my peppered corys, started with 2 and bred into a little colony of 7 :)

And for balance - my least favourite has to be fully grown angel fish, they give me chills!
That is always such a hard question!

For me, it would be a toss up between the Royal whiptail, Sturisoma spp and the ram.

But, if I had a gun held to my head and I was allowed to only ever keep one kind of fish again, I'd probably choose the tiger barb. I know they're a PITA and you can't keep much with them, and I know there not that spectacularly coloured or shaped but they're great little fish. Their colours are so bright, they're so smartly marked and I love the way they behave.

I've kept a tank of tigers in my kitchen for years and years and they're so funny! The males are like little football hooligans in stripey shirts, scrapping and jaw locking and they're always begging for food while you're standing waiting for the kettle to boil. I wouldn't be without a tank of 'tiger bobs', as my daughter calls them :lol:
UMMM a hard choice to be sure :shout: I love my bristle noses simply because the males are so ugly you can't help but love them while the girls are so smooth faced and are pretty in their own right. Then there are Siamese Fighters and I love them for their colours and different personalities. Borneo suckers are great for their quirkiness and so peaceful you forget you have them. But I think the fish I just could never be without is Cory's any type as they are all great, most have fancy markings, maybe not "colourful" in the typical tropical fish sense, but pretty for the people who bother to look at them closely, they are undemanding and peaceful, just bumbling about on their own little missions in the tank. So Corydoras sp. get my overall vote :wub: :good: :good:
I also love my otos :wub: I think they're absolutely adorable and I love the way they swim about my larger tank. I'm also very partial to dwarf gouramis. And male guppies. It's very hard to choose only one! :blink:
I fell in love with Senegal Bichirs but I also love Carnal Tetras
My favorite freshwater species:
Angel catfish (Synodontis angelicus)
Mango plecostomus (L047)
Buffalo Cichlid (Steatocranus casuarius)
So far I have to say my BGK...he's just so darn adorable! He's very comfortable in his tank and swims around the top like a maniac at feed time. I love how he swims backwards and sidewards and just wherever he wants - noone seems to bother him either. I thought it was hilarious when one day he bumped into my dwarf gourami and it looked like he was sniffing his face all over (I know realised he was probably trying to attack him) and my gourami just stayed still with this look like...umm...what are you doing? :huh:

Also love my little gourami...very entertaining! :good:
german blue ram - because they can stop or swim backwards, and go nuts whenever you walk up to the tank as they associate external movement with being fed.

siamese algae eater - for studiously eating all the algae in my tank :good: they're a lot more active than my bristlenose catfish too.
My favourite fishes are a toss up between my thorichtys ellioti or my indian leafish , although my new baby severum is cute and cant wait to see its colours when it matures ..
My favourite fishes are a toss up between my thorichtys ellioti or my indian leafish , although my new baby severum is cute and cant wait to see its colours when it matures ..

Ellioti for me too........................ I think... lol! So many to choose from! I love my HRP's too, the female has such vivid colouration and the males fins are colouring up to a lovely peach colour which looks really smart with the blue. Also like pitbulls plecs, kribs, telmatochromis burgeoni, blood red jewel cichlids, my list could go on forever!
The fish with the most personality I've ever kept is my Sajica - he's an ugly brute of a thing but he always comes to the tank glass when he sees movement, and goes mental when he sees the tank lid opening and hears food rustling. I've sat there quietly wetting myself with laughter as he's swum upside down around and around a piece of bog wood.

In terms of general fish though I'd probably say GBR's as well - they have a fantastic way of moving, I love that when they're interested in something and swim forward then stop their dorsal fin points upright - it's always reminded me of a dog/rabbit pricking it's ears up. And they are absolutely beautiful fish.

My favourite schooling fish though are red shiners - a cold water fish that even when comfortable school together, and will come to the tank glass in a big shoal (I have 12) to investigate movement.
Luftwaffe2.JPGThis is Luftwaffe he is an Algea eater and belongs to the loach family but I dont know witch one he is my No one and I also like my Silver Doller too
always difficult one, has to be Panda Cory with Cardinals running a close second! :wub:

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