So as it turns out, not all Neo's are as stupid as brichardi.....spawning and spawning until they choke themselves out of tank...I have had these guys since I think february and they have only had 4 spawns, all within a week of each other or so...they have not spawned since around march, which tells me that they are in fact smart enough to know that they have had enough babies for now. Good fishies. Anyway, thought I would share them with you as they are growing up. They are definitely not the best looking fish, but they are certainly rare. I found out around a week ago that I have 4 of 8 wild caught specimens in western Canada, if not all of Canada. There are no distributors in the east that have even heard of them yet...none that we know of anyway....going to try and get them over there sometime soon, through a local distributor. Don't know if they will catch on though...they just aren't as flashy and pretty as most cichlid owners want their fish to be, these guys are all personality. Crazy buggers. The tank is as natural as I can have it be right now...only the 3 parents and the cleaning crew whatsoever...tried to put a couple plecos in there before...fair sized ones....but the savoryi killed one and almost the other too....meanies. Anyway, what I am trying to say is, don't mind the wallpaper of algae, because the fish don't.