The feeder blocks are not one of my favorite things. I have tried using them in the past but I came to the conclusion that fish will survive starvation for a couple of weeks and that is probably what explains the fish surviving a week with nobody home to feed them, not the feeder block. I left mine home with one of the advanced gel foods, not the calcium block type you are looking at, that was marked for over a week and found that all of the adult fish seemed just fine but there were no fry in any of my tanks. When I took an unused gel food container marked for use for a week or more and placed it into one of my tanks, it was gone in just over a day. My fish were living by eating fry is the only conclusion I could arrive at. I would like to be able to tell you your fry will do fine with no attention, but I seriously doubt it. The fry will find food in the tank, if they survive the predation, since they will feed on the microorganisms that occur naturally in any mature tank.
Watch your adult mollies for a few minutes and you will see that they spend a lot of time picking at the tank walls as if they didn't like something about those walls. What they are really doing is eating. Mollies are foraging type feeders that take advantage of the small amount of natural organic matter available to them on almost any surface. The microorganisms they are eating are a perfect first food for your fry but the fry first need to avoid predation. I would suggest you provide a dense cover of something like java moss or najas grass to let the fry avoid the adults and thus get the chance to feed on those microorganisms.