Barb Id Please.


Fish Fanatic
Feb 22, 2011
Reaction score
Doncaster, UK
I have been sold some green tiger barbs and what were supposed to be normal tiger barbs. To me however the barbs with bands look like five banded barbs (puntius pentazona) rather than tigers. Can anyone help with ID please.
sorry for slightly blurred pic
SDC11581 resize.jpg
im sure its not a tiger barb.... but im not sure what type of barb it is :good:
They are definitely not Tiger Barbs, they look like Partipentazona Barbs :hey:
thats what I was thinking. I am glad actually cos the guy in the LFS said he didn't have any pentazona in stock and did me a deal on these instead. pentazona was on my list of fish to get anyway lol. result
Puntius partipentazona maybe? Which are different from P. pentazona ;)
Fishbase: best resource ever for species lists.
apparently a more common name for puntius partipentazona is the 'wild tiger barb'. this is obviously where the confusion has come from. never mind, they are nice fish anyway

I have had my tank lights off and all my fish were hovering around the surface. i put my fingers in the water to about 3" depth and after a minute or so a couple of the green tigers and one of the partipentazona started nibbling at my skin lol. thought it was quite cute. I then thought however that they may get sick from my skin or any bacteria on it.

does anyone else have any information
I've been importing Pentazonas almost weekly for the last 3 years and was shocked to have a batch of these turn up!!

Wild Tiger Barbs, definately Partipentazonas. Much more unusual and far nicer species!! They seem to suddenly have turned up on the availability lists and im hoping not too many people catch on as they are far nicer when you dont see them in every single tank!!

As much as i love pentazonas, these guys are far more lovely...

*seem to get a little larger/deeper in the body rather than longer
*they shoal tightly and groups rather than spreading out like the pentazonas
*i found that adult pentazonas got more and more nippy as they came to breeding age, these guys seem far more peaceful, especially in a nice shoal!

I would say... very good find!
they really are lovely and although peaceful can hold their own against the green tiger barbs and RTBS in there. I really like them tbh and may consider trying to breed them if possible.
I'm trying to source some of these now, definitely. If not, I'll order them in.

Thanks. Lovely fish!

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