Do/can Plants Use Nitrates(No3) During Fishless Cycling


New Member
Mar 7, 2005
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North Dakota, USA
I"m running a fishless cycle in my 30gallon tank. It has java ferns planted in the tank.

Question: Will my plants use the Nitrate produced during the cycle?

Tonights water test resulted in both zero NitrItes(NO[sub]2[/sub]) and zero NitrAtes (NO[sub]3[/sub].I thought this odd so I ran the test twice both times were same results. My ammonia is at 0.25.

You can see my full log here:

This has happened once before on Feb 25, but I thought it was a error.

Any help would be appreciated.
yes. See the planted section for some interesting information, indeed they have an approach whereby if there is sufficient plant load (75% and above) there may be little need for a cycle as the plants do the same job as the bacterial colony. As I will not be at 75% plant load I will certainly be doing a cycle and act as a surrogate fish load however I hope that the cycle will be shorter - time will tell :)
Question: Will my plants use the Nitrate produced during the cycle?


But not noticably so unless you have a high amount of plants.

Thanks everyone, however I don't think I have that heavily of a tank. Its blurry, but you can ID where the Java fern is.

Any Idea as to why my nitrate and nitrite readings would be 0, I haven't done a water change.

IMG_1772 small.jpg

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