unknown fish

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May 19, 2004
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I don't know what this fish is.


  • IMG_0060.JPG
    34.8 KB · Views: 42
Can you possibly get a better picture? I'm wanting to say, even thru the blur that it looks like a Jack Dempsey. A better picture would be very helpful.
Pic 1 Notice the turqoise coloration around his throat. He's a REAL piss head bully.


  • IMG_0091.JPG
    59 KB · Views: 31
Pic 2. I'll eat my foot if it's a Green Terror. He was feeling photogenic today.


  • IMG_0093.JPG
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That pic looks like a Jack Dempsey to me. I am positive its NOT a green terror. I can just make out the red on the tips of his top fin. It doesn't show up well in pics on my JD, but that and the barring and coloring scream JD. How big is he?

My vote is for JD.

Here's a pic of my (now nearly 6") male Jack Dempsey. His name is Hercules.
Could be a JD, but the coloration around the throat is not spotted, and looks just like the firemouth's, but only turqouise.
What color is your JD's throat. Mine has a extremely bright huge band of turqoise covering his whole mouth and bottom of mouth. None of the pics of JDs have anything like that, even in a different color. Can you cross breed firemouths and JDs? This is almost what is looks like exactly, but the HUGE band around the throat is completely absent.
It's only about 3".
Yea your right. Mine has spots of green with green lips, but isn't solid like your fish is. Maybe it is a hybrid, I don't know. Wish I could have helped but I'm boggled now.
i replied at the cichlid section to this topic. its definately a jd
EX-AmP said:
i replied at the cichlid section to this topic. its definately a jd
Well, thats what I've thought too ever since I saw the first blurry blob picture of him. I can't explain why he has that solid band of green across his throat. My best guess is he has some other kind of cichlid in him, but he definately still looks like a JD to me. With the body shape, markings and coloring on the body and fins are more indicative of what he is.
I saw some pics earlier on another board of a Texas/Jaguar mix. From the head and just before the caudal fins he looked just like a Texas and then the markings on the remainder of his body look just like a Jag. It was like someone cut the two fish in half and mended them back together with the wrong parts. Cool looking but definately hybrid. Yours looks like maybe someone had bred something else with a JD, then took one of those offspring and bred it with another pure JD. Giving just a small fraction of something elses attributes to it.

Just keep in mind this is a wild a$$ guess on my part.
theres many colorations thats all. males get bands of green while females' heads are supposedly colored around the head
I used to have the same fish. With the green on the lips. Never knew what it was.

He eventually committed hairy kary by leaping from the tank.

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