anrt hybrids abit bigger than pure endlers? i thought you could get snakeskin endlers? doesnt have a guppy tail or body, the body is quite thin. and the 3rd picture was when i put him in his tank after the drive home so the colour brightened up abit later.
Size plays a ver small role, it depends on how they've been fed, looked after and over all age.
Tiger endlers are created by breeding with a snakeskin guppy, but are called tiger endlers.
The third one still looks like a hybrid as I have a small hybrid and he looks almost identical to that.
I keep Guppy/Endler hybrids and also black bar endlers.
Very few endlers out there these days are pure, same as guppies in reverse.
The small hybrid I mentioned earlier is currently smaller than my adult black bars, my other hybrids are guppies with endler colouring.
Also hate to tell you but unless number 3 develops a longer bar than that soon, I wouldnt hold out much hope for him being a pure black bar, most likely a hybrid again.
There are also snakeskin endlers, but the patterning is different. Rather than the horizontal bars you find on yours, there is an over all leopard appearance.