What Are The Chances Of A Fish Jumping Out Of Tank...


Is now at University! :D
Mar 26, 2009
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Uk, Nottinghamshire
I recieved a large order of plants today from plants alive... was putting them in when one of the rasbora decided to jump.

Now the chances of the fish jumping when they could've just gone to the other side of the tank are low. But the chances of where it landed are even slimmer. See pics...






It seemed to be able to swim fine and maintain buoyency in the 1l jug so I decided to put it straight back in with the others and with an air pump now on the tank aswell. I just wish I'd thought to get a picture of it when I pulled it out of the small gap. It'd been flopping around in plaster of paris. When it came out it looked dead and was absolutely caked up with dust. Fingers crossed though, I gave it a very gentle wash and now can only hope for the best.
Did you cut the skirting board or was it like that, C101?

If you did, then you are a true hero!
:lol: one in a million chance, hope he's ok.


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I may have *ahem* slightly wripped the skirting board off without really questioning what I was doing... Not sure what the landlord is going to think to that. I've stuck it back on with some epoxy glue but I could do with some white paint aswell as I chipped it a bit pulling it off.
pure legend!
the fish must be glad! :hyper:


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It almost gave me a heart attack. I didn't even notice the hole at first... all I heard was this flopping sound. Then after I moved everything I could tell exactly where the sound was coming from. I was like...oh no...seriously no...
It almost gave me a heart attack. I didn't even notice the hole at first... all I heard was this flopping sound. Then after I moved everything I could tell exactly where the sound was coming from. I was like...oh no...seriously no...

Some observations haha Is that a shot bottle hanging up! Nice 1 haha how did ou get that past the missus! and secondly

Is that socket straight :p haha

(only messing!)
Firstly I AM 'the missus' lol. And yes it is, me n my bf have two shot tenders attached to the fireplace in our room. It's just so much more convenient lol.
Firstly I AM 'the missus' lol. And yes it is, me n my bf have two shot tenders attached to the fireplace in our room. It's just so much more convenient lol.


Id love omething like that but i count myelf iucky i have the fish tank haha! Im working on trying to get a nano tank in the kitchen :-D I wouldnt mind a beer pump mind that would be awesom! Note to self: Need to one day in my life have a bar with a built in fish tank 1 keg and some optics!
My OH has already told me he'll get me a wall of tanks when we eventually buy a house together and have the money spare. He says he really likes my fish, especially cause he sees how much I enjoy them. And he likes to look at them without having to do any of the maintenance.
Stunt fish!

If you've glued it back in place and plan to mask the damage with some paint I doubt the landlord would ever even notice.
Nice one C101, hows he/she doing?

Not well anymore. Barely swimming... not quite maintaining balance anymore. However even if it dies I wouldn't have done anything differently... except if I knew it was going to happen I'd have blocked that hole ofc...
Poor little chap/chapess, still in a lot of shock no dought.

Fingers crossed, Keith.

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