Here's my pride and joy! My 6 month old balloon molly, Mandy. Here she is with a couple of red platies. Look how big she's getting! I'm so proud of her!
Bomag - After you log in, click on "My Controls" which is located at the upper right of your screen. On the left side, there is a menu of different options. Underneath "Personal Profile" click on "Edit Signature" which is the second one down. This is where you can type your signature and list the fish you have. If you have any questions, feel free to ask. Hope this helps!
I'm glad you enjoyed the picures! My marigold swordtail is the proud mother of 3 fry, each from seperate batches. Her "husband" is a red swordtail/platy cross and he's the father of the most recent addition to the tank . . . a tiny orange fry named Promise. Her body structure looks more like her father, but her color is from her mother.