We Have Moved

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Fish Crazy
Oct 25, 2010
Reaction score
Near Croydon UK
I just thought that I would let you know that our useless owner Mogs has finally moved us into our new home, and about time too if you ask me!!!! As the most senior member of the tank and sole surviving harlequin rasboro, I was nominated to write this report.
We gave her a terrible runaround when she was trying to catch us, especially since the tank was round, so she couldn't trap us in the corners :shifty: . Eventually she removed lots of the water and the ornaments, which I must say wasn't cricket, but we still managed to evade capture for a very long time-by darting across the tank, and when the stupid woman got us in the net, jumping straight back out again before she could move us-the golden barbs were very good at this. Of course I am an elderly fella, and have more dignity, so I was one of the first caught, but not before those x ray tetras-like I say I do have some dignity!
Once she finally got us into the new tank, she left us dark and starving forever-we had had quite a bit of exercise and could have done with some sustenance, but she was obviously punishing us for our misbehaviour :grr: Once she put the lights on though, I must say, I think she's made a rather good choice for us-lots of hidey places and bubbles, and the space-about 4 times the size of our old tank-perhaps we shouldn't have struggled so much-we could've moved earlier :sad:
The barbs, silly creatures that they are play 'ride the bubbles' and get very possessive if the tetras try to join in-little things and all that! The game seems to involve swimming through the bubbles coming up and getting pushed down by the bubbles from the filter :huh: They spend ages playing this silly game, and Mogs moans that they spend too long behind the plant! I, of course, am far too sensible to play silly games like that, but I am enjoying leisurely strolls across the front of the tank. I must say though that I played a rather good trick on Mogs when she first moved us-I hid for absolutely ages-she must have thought I had died and been eaten, but I was fine. My curiosity finally got the better of me and I just had to have a look around and I must admit, albeit reluctantly, that I do prefer this home! There are lots of hidey holes for those other silly fish to play in, and something called bogwood that isn't for us, but the barbs don't seem to realise that and keep going inside. Mogs says it's for another friend who is coming to live with us in the summer-I hope she's pretty :hey: ! In the middle of the tank, there is a rock with holes in and the barbs like chasing each other through there, when they're not bouncing around at the back of the tank in the air curtain :no:
One really positive thing about this new tank is that the barbs no longer hog all the food-I have had lots-much more than I used to get when we were in the old tank when they used to eat EVERYTHING! They are too stupid to go to the top to fetch it, like they used to, so the tetras and myself are getting a proper feast.
All in all. I think the move has been a positive one, and I am looking forward to after something called 'fishmas' when Mogs says she is going to get us some friends-like us, not funny ugly fish (although I am a bit worried about the one that comes in the summer as I heard Mogs say she's 'butt ugly' :blink: ) I also heard her say that she has found a shop that stocks another of her faves (lake Kutubu rainbows) as her lfs hasn't got them, but I know that they'll have to wait Father Fishmas has been, so we're safe for awhile.
I am going to try to attach a couple of pictures that Mogs took-notice how we never play along, and dart about madly as soon as she gets that camera out, but when she puts it down, we're all out again. (note the stupid barb posing in the rock hole though!) Mogs says if you look carefully you might recognise some stuff out of your tanks. I suppose that's because she's such a tight-wad!
Old Fella


  • 23.12(3).jpg
    49.4 KB · Views: 52
This is the other picture-you must understand that having no fingers (no Birdseye jokes here please) is a significant handicap when trying to use the computer
Old Fella


  • peekaboo2.jpg
    46 KB · Views: 38
This is the other picture-you must understand that having no fingers (no Birdseye jokes here please) is a significant handicap when trying to use the computer
Old Fella


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