Guppy Missing Most Of Her Tail And Dorsal Fin


New Member
Dec 6, 2010
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Help! one of my female guppies is missing most of her tail and most of her dorsal fin and looks very unhappy.

In my tank are two zebra danios, one female platy and another male and female guppy. Any ideas if she has been eaten and who the culprit may be so I can quarantine them?

My other female guppy is in a nursery tank in the main one, so is my male getting too aggressive?
Could it be the danios? They are quite aggressive anyway and I suspected them of nibbling the whiskers off my glass ghosts, when I kept them.

Also, what should I do to help her heal?

Please help!

thanks Untitled-1.jpg
You have a very sick guppy it may have a wasting disease. fish TB. some times very old guppy’s can get
similar symptoms of going very fin and skinny
do you have any other fish like it ?
No, just that one fish. Will it recover?
Should I quarantine it? Is it infectious?

Or is it a lost hope?

Thank you so much for your help!
i think its to sick to recover. quarantine it from other fish.
all you can do is treat for damaged fins. you will be very lucky if it lives longer than 2 or 3 weeks.
ok, thanks.

How could this have happened and how can I prevent it from happening in the future?
some times there is not a lot we can do to prevent things like this from happening
the most experienced of fish keepers will at times get problems with there fish always treat any sick fish as soon as possible.
How long have you had her?
What are you feeding?

I'll treat with melifaix and myxazin to stop any infections setting in to the fin's.
However she's very thing and may struggle to recover. get some live foods and feed plenty of good quality food. Is she eating ok?

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