Garage Conversion

Double post, extra noobie points for me :hyper:

Anyway, here are the pics I promised earlier.
I spent a few hours out there tonight after tea/dinner/evening meal, what ever you call it depening on where you are in the world :fun:

I have managed after a lot of sweating and swearing and dropping of everything I could pick up, to get the frame well on its way for for the stud wall.

I had a bit of a chuckle brothers (or laurel and hardy) moment to start with. I built the frame outside, and when I came to move it into the garage, it was too tall to get through the door :blush: luckily turning it on its side I managed to get it in.

any here are the pics:
(click images for large versions)

The inital frame

The window (still no further along)

The far wall, just need the gaps filling

The furtherest back corner (opposite the window)

The partly finished wall frame
looking good

whats your time frame for completion?
The two parts to the wall are now complete (well apart from the fact that the larger (left hand one) doesnt have a back on yet.
I have started to fill in the gaps between the panels, due to the uneven floor.
Once I have finished the window frame its a case of laying the new floor, which takes a week to set.

I tried the door in the gap yesterday, problem is it fits perfectly, I forgot to leave a 6mm gap at the sides :blush:
borrowing the GFs dads plane to sort that out lol.

Wo whats left to do:

- lay the new floor (1 week to cure)
- insulate and cover the ceiling
- create a door for the loft space
- pain the walls
- pain the floor
- add shelving

Then its ready for me to move the tanks in, from my parents house.

So probably 2-3weeks for these as Im away this weekend.

I will then start looking at building frames for multiple tanks and their water system.
But this is a long while off, yet. (possibly)
The project is currently on hold for a few weeks, as I in my infinate wisdom, decided the slice open my right index finger with a steak knife while washing up on Saturday.

Hopefully will get back to it soon, its SO close to being finished now :(
I am fuly recovered now from my steak knife injuries and also my saw wound (yes im a disaster area) and I managed to get back on the case with this project one night this week, the ceiling insulation is done, and I have also added in 1/3 of the ceiling cover.
so... will get more pics today as going to try and get the ceiling finished today.
Finally laid the floor, also done a little bit of other work in there since the last post.

As usual I didnt accurately estimate how much screed I would need and had to run out and get another two bags, was a bit of a rush to get it before the others which where already down dried lol :lol:

Managed to do although, think the first two loads I put a little too much water in as that still hasnt dried and the last lot I put down is dry already. Its meant to be dry to walk on with 4hrs but im going to leave it until friday. Then I can hang the door and get on with the rest of the work.

anyway here are the latest pics, and it look very messy at the moment, a lot of polyfiller and expanding foam.
Making the most of a bad job, the ceiling rafters nor the walls were level or straight, absolute nightmare but it getting :)

click the thumbnails for bigger images

Sorry I havent been updating, but the project took a backseat as Ive got a lot of work on at the moment.

Everything is ALMOST! there, just need to do a second painting coat on the ceiling and the last two walls, then get the electrician back in to fit the plugs,

Now I know exactly what the dimensions of the room are I have looked at racking and was about to go with ugly breeze blocks (cinder blocks for the Americans on here ;) ) and I found a website that does some good racking shelves which are pretty cheap, look great and also will take a 30gallon tank plus water and sand etc...

I havent decided which Im going to buy, but they are all the same sizes its all about cost, they have some good packs too including a workbench and racking

I have also revised the layout diagram I originally posted, Ill get some pics when Ive finished painting and got the plugins etc in place, its a bit cold to go out and take some now.

When I was painting I put the heating on and it was great, the insulation works it was roasting in a matter of a few minutes and then after I switched the heater off and left the room it stayed reasonable for a few days in there which is good to know incase in the future the power was to go out.

Ive attached the new layout plan


  • revised layout.jpg
    revised layout.jpg
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Ok I ventured out there just for you lot :D

here are some pics, and yes that is writing under the paint and a giant goldfish, those two walls need a second coat:

As you can see Ive had to start moving stuff into the room which its still being built :(
Good to see that you've got going again. I can't wait to see the progression....very excited....for you :good: I wish it was my project.

Thanks for the comments, I've got a lot tomorrow, but with the kuxury of working from home, I think Im gonna get out there at lunch start wiring up the plugs :)
After I found out how to do them, then it just needs okeying by the electrician :) he put the wiring in, and told me to do the plugs and then he has to inspect and sign off.

Been trying to source some basic 30gallon (30" x 18" x 12") tanks but most places are charging stupid money for them! like £150! I want to pay about £20 new or if second hand a lot less if not FREE. If anyone can help me out that'd be great.

I dont think im going to tally up the cost of this build, as its been a hell of a lot, lol. went to B&Q tonight and spent a further £90
I havent even go the tanks, racks, workbenchs, pumps, filter or the fish yet, lol
Going to try and blow myself up later. As Im going to wire the sockets and the light up properly.
the lights currently run directly to the fuse mox, so I just need to install the switch, and the sockets arent connected and Im running an extension cable into the room at the moment for the turtles and the heater.

If I dont post for several months I probably exploded, lol, :cool:

Also gotta go buy a light switch front, as the one I picked up yesterday was a fuse switch not a light switch, oops! :blush:.

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