My Iwagumi Style Tank

I got it from homeleigh in launceston. They do good fish in there but I think they are quite dear sometimes

update: just been observing the tank( i seem to be doing that alot) and have just watched one of my shrimps go right past the mouth of my betta and she didnt take any notice of if and didnt try to eat it :) . lets hope its a good sign that she wont eat them
if all goes well i have a japanese garden near me and if i can get this tank to look right im gonna see if they will fund me to make onother one for their shop.that way if anyone likes it and wants to buy one they can recommend me :good:
Have you tried TriMar or is that a little too far away? Its only 5 min from us! There is a Maidenhead @ Carnon Downs Garden Center and also Totally tropical near Camborne. Have heard good things about Reef Life at Penryn but havent got around to visiting them yet.

Beautiful tank BTW!

Proper Job!
no havent tried trimar yet was recommended there by cuddra as they dont stock the shrimp or guppies i want as they are too expensive for cudra but said trimar should have them so that will be another trip. am off to maiden head in truro tomorrow to see what they have got around there.

also people, anyone that uses live plants can you recommend a fertiliser for my plants. although they are doing perfectly well without them at the mo it will be handy to have


TPN+ and TPN+ capsules in the substrate.

Trimar has some mosses - quite expensive but nice selection. I'm not impressed with the way he keeps his stock though.

Love maidenhead - got some lovely pygmy chain swords, pogos and hairgrass there the last time. I'm heading to homeleigh today for a nose - wave as you pass (blue clio)

Oh if you're on the way to MA you may aswell go to Trimar at the same time - MA is in carnon downs (a fair way out of truro) - when you come out of the garden centre where MA is turn left which will bring you back onto the A30 (its a bit of a windy back road but don't be disheartened)

After that its only 10 mins away. Sat nav is your friend. Its quite easy to miss the shop as you drive through cambourne. After you turn right at the big set of lights it starts going through a smaller road with occaisional shops - Trimar is about 1/4 of a mile up on the right (tiny little gap in the buildings for their car park - you will drive past it but you can turn a few yards up the road.)
i think it will only be one shop today as otherwise im gonna come home with everything( i cant help it). ive seen there are a few camborne way so i shall take a trip out there one day as ive never been to camborne yet and shall spend a whole day there.

i love homeleigh its one of my fave fish shops to go to but i think they are dear i saw some crystal red shrimp 3 for 17.50 but ive seen them on trimar website for 3 for 10 pounds also i know that they do price matching on tanks and things but i dont know if they will do it on fish so if your in there will ya ask for me and post what they said
ok an update on today. i first off went to maiden head aquatics and bought another 9 cherry shrimp and 3 black crystal shrimp and loads of other bits aswell.when i got home i thought id check on my two shrimp that i had this morning there was only 1 left. so unfortunatly my little betty (betta) has now been rehomed to my next door neighbours fish tank. she will be well looked after. now i gotta find a new fish that wont eat my little shrimps
just an update

from another side

and the front today

also can anyone give me any ideas on a showpeice fish that WON'T eat shrimp or small fishes as all the ones i seem to like are gonna kill them in an instant


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That is lush, oyu have inspired me to rescape my tank XD
I got it from homeleigh in launceston. They do good fish in there but I think they are quite dear sometimes
Oh! That's my LFS! I live literally 10 minutes walk away:) There were absolutely awful 10 years ago; they've come on leaps and bounds since then; I'm starting to think they're not so bad now!

Why don't you have a shoal of ember tetras or chili rasboras?
yeah homleigh are really good. im currently working towards a large (size depending) 15 or 20 endler guppies of varying sorts have found someone that does cobra skinned and another more red variety. but i wanted just another single fish or maybe 2 or 3 that are stunning and stand out amongst the others (siamese fighter apistogramma or something of the sort) but it cant eat the guppies or the shrimp as i love them too much. unfortunatly i think im starting to come to terms with the fact that i dont think im going to find anything that wont eat them and just stick to the endlers as they are living piecefully
ok guys thought id give you all an update on my tank. here it is as of today i have found the moss i wanted and have attatched that to the tree and have finaly found the fish i was looking for unfortunatly a friend of mine gave me 2 fish that wernt getting on in her tank so i said id have them. so i have 2 guppies that are unwanted but i shall keep them for now. i went to my lfs (homeleigh) today and found some leopard endlers and they are fab i think they are gonna be my fish of choice. i also found some koi sword tails that i really like aswell and make my centerpiece fish i was wanting. here are a few pics of the new arrivals including the leopard endler and a couple of the tank

another pic

and another

last one


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