Fish Addict
Here's a few pics of my 172l/42gal tank - this was previously home to some angels, yo-yo loaches and some tank raised kribs (see here)
Now it just has one of the kribs (as he is still looking after fry), a couple of bristlenoses, a small shoal of harlequin rasboras, a larger shoal of cardinal tetras, four threadfin rainbows, some bronze corys, some otos and a couple of botia striata. A lot of these came from two smaller tanks that I had, one at home and one at work.
Full tank pic
Now it just has one of the kribs (as he is still looking after fry), a couple of bristlenoses, a small shoal of harlequin rasboras, a larger shoal of cardinal tetras, four threadfin rainbows, some bronze corys, some otos and a couple of botia striata. A lot of these came from two smaller tanks that I had, one at home and one at work.
Full tank pic