Extreme Otto Confusion!

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 16, 2010
Reaction score
Miami, FL

recently i came back from my vacations and immediatly found one of my pearl gouramis sick.
I proceded to start a topic on it in this same section called "sick pearl gourami"
And so if you read that article youll see i took out every fish in my tank and examined them to see if any other was also sick.
luckily enough all my fish were fine except for my ottos, i found out, and my pearl gourami.
what happened with my ottos was that i noticed they are very clear, whitish looking. at first i diagnosed them as sick and i went to school today
but as i was in school i realized it might be since they were stressed. when i got home, i had a big surprise.
one of my ottos has a huge tummy! and i have no idea of what it is. is it sick, or pregnant, or what?

Here are some photos.

Glass otto catfish. pic 1

oto with big belly, also floating at top, not dead though I checked.
this one can also swim freely, just tends to half - float at top.


  • wemp.jpg
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  • vemp.jpg
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She looks pregnant, but when you say she likes to float at the top, does she gasp at the water surface?
RIP otto with big big belly.

the other two survived until i was able to get a small plastic hospital tank.
i have the two in the hospital tank with the sick gourami and im applying furanol 2 by jbl to the mini tank.
they immediately started getting color when put in hospital tank, i guess they didnt get watev the big bellied one got.
any furthermore guidance?
What does it look like when your fish goes to the toilet.
Check the other ottos for enlarged anus, red inflamed anus.
Any worms sticking out of the anus.
What do you feed your fish.
alright, RIP a final otto. IM down to 2/5, 1 which was never sick still in tank.
but I think I solved the mystery, and IM so dumb!
you see as I put my ottos in their compartments, I noticed
that they didnt have a lot of light so I put them next to
the window. during the day, our housemaid would come and
clean my room, and leave the window open. So outside it was
really cold and windy, and my fish died of the cold!
my mini tank was never next to the window, always next to
my tank which is fairly well placed. I guess it was just to
Late for the otto who just died. so I put the remaining
sick otto back in tank with the completely fine one, and I
just hope that I was right with my theory!

PS: I feed my fish tetamin. I have tetrapleco wafers but I
never give them to my plecos cuz theres way too much algae
in my tank. I gave 1 pleco wafer to my plecos in the mini
tank like 2 days ago, but they never ate it. they rather
ate the remains of the flakes for the pearl gourami.

Algae eaters need more than algae in there diet.
Research the fish diet needs.

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