Betta Splenden - After Ick


New Member
Sep 26, 2010
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Hi :/

so i brought home a male betta two weeks ago from school (we had a lab on fish behavior and were allowed to keep the fish after)
It looked very healthy and lively and ate like a pig. It also flared every time it saw anything that moves.
Betta splenden 2.jpg

However, a week ago, i came home from school and found white spots on its head and fins - i did a bit of research and found out my fish had ick.
so the next day, i went to a fish store close by and the only ick treatment the guy had was this bottle called Aquadene Anti-White Spot Special. The guy told me to put four drops into the tank and do a 20% water change every two days for a week.

A day later, all the spots were gone but I still followed the guy's instructions for a week.

I don't know if it's the side effects of the medicine or ich but my betta splenden's fins are deteriorating and down most of the time. It also moves a lot less. Most of the time, it stays in the corner of the tank and eats half of what it used to eat. Also, it doesn't flare anymore and hides behind the fake plant every time it sees something
Betta splenden sick.jpg
(sorry for the bad quality)

I feed it this mixture of flakes and tubifex worms the guy at the store gave me and it's water temperature is around 26 degrees Celsius. I live in Hong Kong so the medication and food I can get for the fish is extremely limited.

What should I do now to make sure my fish is healthy again?

Thank you so much.
Did the school learn you how to take care of the betta.

Size of tank in gallons or litres.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.
Does the tank have a filter and heater.

First thing to rule out is bad water quality as that's the main cause of finrot.
Also whitespot can cause finrot.
): no, the school just gave us the fish to take home. the only tip they gave us was to not put a mirror or another betta in front of it

my tank is about 1 liter and i have no idea how to get water stats...

i use tap water but my dad told me to leave it out for a day before putting it in the tank because of the chlorine
A school should never let pupils take fish home when they haven't a clue how to look after them.
It so wrong. Not setting a good example to there pupils. Once you own a pet you are responsible for the animal welfare.

A betta fish needs at least a 3 gal tank.
Also they need heater and filter.

Immediate water change.
If you have a filter increase aeration.

Also I strongly suggest you buy some declorinator, (water conditioner)
Liquid test kits in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

Do some research on the nitrogen cycle.
How to take care of a betta fish.

Post in the betta section of the forum, you will get plenty of help over there.
oh okay thanks! my fish looks a lot better now. the dorsal fin isn't clumped anymore and he's very active now. thanks so much :)
Thanks for the update.

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