The December FOTM Contest Poll is open!
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Looks like the shape of an amazon sword to me. Which one I have no idea. I do like the colored leaves though. It looks very nice.
dont look like amazon sword to me but if you get a lot of it i wudnt mind a few cuttings ,Stem without roots when they come from the shop? any I've had before have had huge roots on them! lol
I'll keep you informed,only been in a week and good growth alreadydont look like amazon sword to me but if you get a lot of it i wudnt mind a few cuttings ,Stem without roots when they come from the shop? any I've had before have had huge roots on them! lol
Thankstop one looks like a Hygrophila corymbosa and the bottom one is a Alternanthera reineckii, Roseafolia.