Small Boil/lump On Side Of Tetra


New Member
Jun 4, 2010
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Hi guys,

I'm new to the forums and decided to join up after reading lots of useful info here.

About a month ago I discovered that one of my Black Neons has a small bump/pimple-like protrusion on it's left side. It is relatively small, but it looks to be a lump that is originating from inside, and is underneath scales.

Any thoughts on what this might be and if there is anything I can do to help would be much appreciated, thanks
I have included some (poor quality) images to get a better idea.

Aside from this bump, the fish appears to be behaving completely normally with no other side effects. The bump also doesn't appear to be getting any worse.

Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate - 15 - 20ppm

Thanks for your help :)


  • fish lump.jpg
    fish lump.jpg
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  • fish lump 2.jpg
    fish lump 2.jpg
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Hi guys.

I've managed to take a better picture of the problem. Hopefully this will give a clearer idea as to what it might be.



  • Tetra bump.jpg
    Tetra bump.jpg
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I'm really hoping that someone might have some idea as to what this might be?? The last thing I want is for it to burst and infect the other fish that I have in the tanks.

I have no idea; from the photo what I am assuming to be a bump just looks like a bit of shine on the "neon" stripe. I'm replying to give you a bump up the list as you've been waiting a while to find out what it is.
Bump - Still haven't worked this one out.

It is a definite protrusion from the side of the fish. Like half of a tiny ball pushing out from the inside.

Again, the fish appears to be in no distress and is eating and socialising with the other fish well.

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