Sick Platy?


New Member
Jun 1, 2010
Reaction score
Tank size: 30l
pH: 6.5
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 0
tank temp: 25C
Volume and Frequency of water changes: approx 35% fortnightly

Fish Symptoms: One of my female platies has what looks like a bit of fluff on the bottom of its mouth. At first we thought she had a bubble on her lips (sounds silly I know) and we thought it might disappear. I kept checking but it never disappeared and realized it was actually fluffy looking. My parents kept telling me not to worry but I can't help it. She's had it for about a month now, no sign of it getting better or worse.

Other than that she seems healthy, she's active, eating...and my other 4 platies are fine too! So if there is something wrong with her I'm guessing it's not contagious, would love to know what it is though. The only thing I've heard of it Cotton Mouth Disease, and I must admit it does kinda look like cotton, but apparently that's highly contagious and they lose their appetite which definitely hasn't happened so I'm not sure.

Here's a couple of photos:


Any ideas what it is or whats causing it? Can it be treated? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

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