Guppy Has Given Birth To 141 Fry

Thats amazing and congrats, my record in my own tanks is 80+ but yours has wiped the floor with mine lol.
80+ not a bad number i have only had as many as 70 apart from this last drop i wonder how many she will have next time lol

Blimey m8 thats one jell of a lot of fry! Your soon need another fish room to house them all in ;)

Just shows that you can have very happy fish and get a lot iof fry even if you do keep them cool ;)
another fish room that's good idea lol
Wow, what do all of you do with these fry? I can't fathom having enough room for even one drop. I'm just underway with my fishless cycle and doing research on fish. I'm thinking I'm going to steer clear of livebearing fish just in case so I don't end up with 50 little babies that I have no idea what to do with. Seriously do you sell them to a pet store or trade each other or something.

Congrats on the fry!
If you participate in local fish club activities, it is amazingly easy to pass along fish to other members. It is also a great place to find some of the harder to find fish.
wowzers!! congrats to momma guppy, hope she is having some much needed R&R now
fry are doing well at 68f-72f been fed twice a day on micro worms will give them a change of live food soon. lost 1 fry :sad:
Biokid, newborns should be fed 4-5 times a day. with liquifry 2 for livebearer fry, A drop or two every 2-3 hours and a bit of finely crushed flake too. they do tend to grow much slower than guppies. I have one guppy fry that is huge compared to platy fry of same age, almost double the length. good luck with your fry
Newborn fry don’t need to be feed on liquifry I think it’s a waist of Money,
finely crushed flake is as good . Newborn fry can be feed all most straight away I only feed mine twice a day on micro worm its a good first food for Newborn fry. brine shrimp is also very good for them.

the reason for only feeding twice a day is that live food can stay alive in the water for some time . micro worm can live for a few days and brine shrimp a good few hours
Agreed liquifry is pointless for livebearers, now for fish with tiny fry (egg layers) it's handy.

Also i feed 2 times crushed flake and some live foods
Hi very cute fry :) I feed my fry crushed flakes about 30% and rest dry bloodworms for super protien. I find this to be the best and they grown very quickly and healthy, it's never failed me yet. Congrats again cheers :)

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