Keyhole Fin Swollen


Fish Herder
Oct 5, 2009
Reaction score
Tank size:180ltr

tank temp:27-28c

Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Swollen fin at the base with lots of white lumps hanging from it, more so behind the fin in the joint. The lumps swing around as though loosely attached.

Tank inhabitants:2 Keyholes, 2 bolivian rams

Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration):the bolivians - additional filter

Digital photo:
fins spots.JPG

fins spots1.JPG
The main large white lump you can see most obviously in the pictures just fell off :blink:
Maybe it had a wee fight with something, not sure but as white thing fell of,maybe it were alien, as in something stuck maybe from substrate :unsure:

Neah, they're definitely little white lumps/spots. A lot of them aren't hanging off some actually are little white spot type things. It was too big to be a grain of the sand and they're all too white to be too.

Plus you can see the swelling around it.

Doesn't seem to be suffering from it but I don't want to leave it and come home to a dead fish just incase it is 'something'

This isn't the first time this has happened, he's had little spots in that same place before with no issues. Literally only in that same place, it's never looked this severe though and never been swollen like that.
It sounds parasitical but it could also be columnaris but probably not a fungus.
Is there redness/swelling around the spots?
Do they have a 'cottony' texture?
Does the fish have any pimples on its mouth?
Has it lost/changed colour?
What's its poo like?
Are there any lesions or scales which have lost their shine on the fish's body?
Do the spots move on their own?
Does the fish's mouth look eroded?
Are there any markings that weren't there before?
Do any other fish have any of these symptoms?
White lumps on fins that look like a cluster of eggs or a cauliflower can be lymthocystis.

Get you some info to rule it out.



Fish infected with Lymphocystis will present with clusters of whitish, berry-like growths on the skin and fins. These "clusters" may resemble small clutches of eggs or cauliflower (hence, it is sometimes called Cauliflower Disease). They will be clearly visible and may even become extremely large. This disease often affects the fins first.


Viral infection. The virus will eventually kill the fish if it is unable to mount a strong enough immune response as the virus rampages through the fish�s tissues, destroying its cells.


As with all viral infections, there is no suitable cure or efficacious treatment; however Quick Cure claims to be helpful. I have also heard of people who trim the fish's fins, followed by several baths in Malachite Green. Fortunately, this disease is uncommon and in some cases, infected fish are able to recover quickly without treatment.

Lymphocystis is highly infectious. When infected cells from the fish�s skin or fins burst the virus is spread throughout the aquarium and can remain contagious for periods of up to two months. Fish not showing symptoms should be removed from the aquarium and placed in quarantine, away from other fish, for at least 60 days. Note, remove uninfected fish, not the other way around because the aquarium has become contaminated. The infected aquarium should be emptied and thoroughly disinfected before returning any fish to it. Do not use soap to clean the aquarium.
Hiya, Reading that and other descriptions as well as googling pictures of it, I don't think that's it. Doesn't look 'that' serious. Hopefully it won't be that and will clear up soon. Will keep my eye on it and update with any changes. So far there's no issues with swimming/feeding etc and the fish doesn't seem at all stressed.

Fingers crossed it may be something of nothing that passes.
it would be good if you could isolate the fish.

If you don't think its parasites, try a bacterial med.
Symptoms still the same visually although he's started to rub the fin against stuff now occasionally. Lost a bit of colour to his face too.

Wouldn't just be down to old age would it?

I have protozin and sterazin in stock, either any use?
Need to look at your water stats.
As bad water quality can cause fish to flick and rub.

Signs of parasites are.
Flicking and rubbing.
Excess mucas.
Pale or greyish film with excess mucas.
Laboured breathing, or gasping at surface of tank.
Darting or erratic swimming.

Are the spots filled with fluid, or hard looking.
Any redness to the spots.
Are the spots smooth looking on top.
Yeah the spots are just like smooth white little balls. Looking at him today they are quite red around the base of them. :unsure:
It sounds like it might be bacterial with the redness around the base.

Myxazin by waterlife, esha 2000, internal bacteria med by interpet.

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