Dead Guppy Found After Strange Behavior

Mr&Mrs Newb McFish

New Member
Mar 18, 2010
Reaction score
Nottingham, England
A little concerned for my tank at the moment. Have introduced some Guppies from Pets at Home last week and so far 2 have dropped dead, also had a Neon croak it as well.

The first Guppy had a dodgy fin (at the side) which had a white patch and the went fluffy like cotton wool. later we found it dead.
The Neon was then found with a white patch encompassing the top fin and surrounding area then dropped dead.
The second Guppy has been constantly swimming into the current of the filter pump for a day or two, just found it dead. When I took it out it's gills seemed quite swollen but that went down when i took the photo, also noticed what seems like fin rot to the tail.

2 of the Guppies have slight white patches around the mouth.

After a conversation with LFS guy, nice guy seemed genuine. He suggested Interpet - Anti Fungus and Finrot (Number 8) as a possible solution.

So after substantial water change and applying treatment just wondered if any of you guys have any input for us (poor missus is moaning "Bloody just my luck" etc)

60 litre tank

3 Mollies
3 Guppies
and now only 2 Neons left due to a few deaths, some got stuck to filter (now solved)

Nitrite 0
Nitrate 10
GH 8
KH 6
PH 7.6
Chlorine 0

any help advice is welcome - thanks
guppy dead small.jpg
A little concerned for my tank at the moment. Have introduced some Guppies from Pets at Home last week and so far 2 have dropped dead, also had a Neon croak it as well.

What temperature is your tank set at and whats your ammonia level as it's the only level missing from your stats.

from what you've wrote i would say that you have an outbreak of columnaris, the guy at the lfs has suggested an appropriate treatment.
I would also suggest the use of salt baths using a mixture of 1 teaspoon per litre dipping the fish in for up to 15 mins, but if they start showing any sign of stress remove them from it straight away. i'm not sure if it's appropriate for neons as they aren't something i'm clued up on as certain fish can't tolerate salt, but the guppies and mollies will be fine.
are you able to get any pics of the fish that are still alive with close up shots of the affected area

Temp is 79

haven't got a test kit for ammonia which my other half pointed out earlier, i'll pick one up on thursday.

Photography is a hobby of mine and i still can't get a decent photo of fish in the tank.

hmm... salt baths, thanks for the advice ;)
Sounds like columnaris to me aswell.

Anti finrot and fungus med not that good on columnaris. Also be know for fish to have bad side affects to the med.

For columnaris in the uk myxazin by waterlife, and pimafix.

Get your ammonia reading tested as soon as possible.

Good Luck.
Anti finrot and fungus med not that good on columnaris. Also be know for fish to have bad side affects to the med.

For columnaris in the uk myxazin by waterlife, and pimafix.

i'll take a look for the above, thanks, any idea what the side effects are to the finrot treatment ?

Fish will act weird or out of charactor.
The med they have suggested does cause bad side effects. I adopted a fighting fish off a friend and i had this med suggested by pets @ home and he really did act weird. He started swimming in circles and then just sat on the bottom of the tank. For columnaris (which i am currently treating) i would use protozin by waterlife. I am only on the second day of treating and i have seen an improvement in my fishes movement and behaviour.


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