B. Albimarginata On Aquabid


Li'l Ole Fish Lady
Aug 31, 2003
Reaction score
New York
Just in case anyone would like to get some, I saw this group of B. albimarginata on AquaBid a little while ago. This seller is the same fellow I got mine from and my B.simplex as well. He's a local aquarium society member and a fantastic breeder of many, many different fish. I've bought quite a few fish from him in the past and hope he keeps bringing them to the meetings because I will probably bid on them too. Don't hesitate to buy them if you are in the US. :D

Just in case anyone would like to get some, I saw this group of B. albimarginata on AquaBid a little while ago. This seller is the same fellow I got mine from and my B.simplex as well. He's a local aquarium society member and a fantastic breeder of many, many different fish. I've bought quite a few fish from him in the past and hope he keeps bringing them to the meetings because I will probably bid on them too. Don't hesitate to buy them if you are in the US. :D


C'mon inchy, you have room for another tank. :hey: Pretty good price. I would be seriously tempted if I wasn't going away for a month.

Hi lljdma06 :)

I already have a pair of them from him. Maybe he'll hold them for you. You won't know unless you ask. :dunno:

betta albimarginata 1-27-10.JPG

Tempting, isn't it? ;)
You guys are going to get me into trouble. After perusing the nice fish in this new wild part of the forum, I am very tempted to try my hand at some of the mouthbrooders. Since I will be going past my favorite LFS on the way to my club meeting tonight, I need to stop in and see if they have any. In the past I have noticed that they carried imbellis and smaragdina at times but the falx really appeal to me. You never know with that place since a fraction of what they have at any time is from local, very local, breeders. I will probably give them a group of my goodeids when I next need to thin mine out. Of course, they will get the larger more mature ones while I keep the juveniles as future breeders.
You guys are going to get me into trouble. After perusing the nice fish in this new wild part of the forum, I am very tempted to try my hand at some of the mouthbrooders. Since I will be going past my favorite LFS on the way to my club meeting tonight, I need to stop in and see if they have any. In the past I have noticed that they carried imbellis and smaragdina at times but the falx really appeal to me. You never know with that place since a fraction of what they have at any time is from local, very local, breeders. I will probably give them a group of my goodeids when I next need to thin mine out. Of course, they will get the larger more mature ones while I keep the juveniles as future breeders.

Hmmmm, I wonder where that place is...I wonder if it is what I think it is.

Nice to see you interested in the wild bettas too, Oldman47. Maybe you'll get lucky and get some either at the lfs or at your club meeting, if you have auctions every month like we do.

I've already made arrangements to bring some corys in to the lfs soon. It's getting to be time to thin out the crew in my big grow out tank and move some of the others up.

Meanwhile, I knew I should have stayed away from AquaBid. Coryologist is offering some corys that I've been wanting and I know I won't be able to restrain myself from bidding for very much longer.
The auction is now closed. Someone got a good deal for just $46. :D
Sailfin didn't have any wild types when I got there yesterday. They said they carry the imbellis and something unpronounceable that they refer to as "forest bettas". The girl helping me out is the one who refused to try the real name. A google showed me B. pugnax as the forest betta, which I doubt she would find unpronounceable. The help at that store is mostly college kids that are also hobbyists. It may have been the B. smaragdina since I seem to remember having seen them there. I have no idea who you were guessing lljdma06. The club meeting, CAFE, would have been a good place to pick up some cherry red shrimp or a 5 gallon tank but did not offer any fish this month. Last month I gave a new club member some Limias and some plants at the meeting. If it was indeed the pugnax, I am game to try breeding some. They are awesome looking fish.
You're lucky to be able to get any kind of wild betta in an lfs, OM. I have three good ones near me and don't recall seeing any of the species there. Of course, it could just be that I didn't notice them before I was interested in them.

I've been so lucky with my club purchases. I have a pair of lovely black guppies too, thanks to the breeder of the albimarginata mentioned above. I should post pictures and get some advice too, in the Livebearers section. :)
Sailfin didn't have any wild types when I got there yesterday. They said they carry the imbellis and something unpronounceable that they refer to as "forest bettas". The girl helping me out is the one who refused to try the real name. A google showed me B. pugnax as the forest betta, which I doubt she would find unpronounceable. The help at that store is mostly college kids that are also hobbyists. It may have been the B. smaragdina since I seem to remember having seen them there. I have no idea who you were guessing lljdma06. The club meeting, CAFE, would have been a good place to pick up some cherry red shrimp or a 5 gallon tank but did not offer any fish this month. Last month I gave a new club member some Limias and some plants at the meeting. If it was indeed the pugnax, I am game to try breeding some. They are awesome looking fish.

I thought you were heading to Sailfin. My bad. Yes, they sold imbellis when I was there. Smaragdina might seem hard to pronounce for a college kid. Pugnax is not hard to pronounce, but you never know.

Lute17 has another auction going for the B. albimarginata. :)

If you doubt this auction is a bargain, look at the current price list Mark Denaro at Anubias Design put up this week.

Ouch. I need to get a good picture of the ocellatas I picked up at an auction a few weeks back. I've got some crummy pics, with a crummy camera to match. It would probably help if I cleaned the outside of the tank. I sure didn't pay that price.
Ohhhh..... you've been holding out on us, Tolak. :look: Please do get that glass wiped off and show us your fish. :D
I would also love to see your pick ups Jack. When will you be letting us in on the nice fish that you now have? Pf O can find any nice livebearers a the ALA convention, you can bet I will be bragging posting about them in the livebearer section of the forum. Meanwhile, I am looking forward to seeing something about those hettas right here.

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