Would This Sideboard Support A 165 Litre Tank?


New Member
Mar 30, 2010
Reaction score
Oxfordshire, UK
Hi all. I'm new to this forum and new to fish keeping.

I'd appreciate some advice on whether you think that the sideboard below would support the weight of a Aqua One Aquastyle 850 (165 litre) which I think would be about 200kg once filled? It's solid oak, so I'm thinking that it should be okay... It's 100cm in length and so is longer than the tank.


Thanks in advance. (Also posted in hardware section, apologies for double post).
The only problem I can see maybe happening is the four feet no holding up.
If it was flat on the bottom it would be alot more solid


Also if you go to some lfs and ask. They may have ex-display cabinets where the tank has broken and they are stuck with them, they tend to sell them off cheap

cheers, Lee
I think you should be ok, is the sideboard made from oak?
You might want to strengthen it yourself - I did something similar when I bought a sideboard for my 6 footer.
Basically i cut some infills to size to fill the gap between the legs then built in some cross members running front to back then screwed on a baseboard.
Thats probably clear as mud!
It looks pretty solid. You could get two adults to sit on it and judge how solid it feels. We have some members who are pretty technical with stands and forces, so perhaps there will be some more questions/suggestions.

Welcome to TFF!

The stand that came with my Roma 200 tank has 6 felt pads on the underside so the cabinet sits on the these and not the entire base. Is this the way it's meant to be or is there a problem as the a reply above seems to indicate that the all of the base should be in contact with the floor.

How do you then level the stand also if the entire base needs to touch the floor.
Thought I was going mad as I remember posting a reply to this and then couldn't find it. You've cross posted in the hardware section and there's quite an important reply there which you should go and have a look at. :)
Thanks for your help. I'm gonna take a look at local furniture shops (and ask in lfs) for something suitable. Wife isn't keen on the standard cabinets that come with fish tanks, so will keep searching!

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