White Cotton Like Stuff On Mouth


New Member
Feb 13, 2010
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San Diego
I just bought a new cichlid two days ago, I noticed today that there's white cotton stuff on his mouth, other than that everything else is fine with him, he does hide alot too. Im new to the cichlid world, what should I do? salt, meds??? I dont want all my fish to get sick and die.....no other fish are affected...well some of the fish I pickedup from the LFS their fins were not looking to great, but I think they werent being feed and the small tank was way overcrowded, and they were starved....but the fish in question i picked up from petsmart and seemed fine untill this morning please help.
Can you give us some information, water stats for ammonia, nitrIte, nitrAte, ph. How long has the tank been set up?, how was it cycled? What fish is it? What other fish are in the tank and how many of each? Tank temperature?

Is there any red streaks in the white or around the edges of it?
Size of tank in gallons or litres.
How many fish and which type.
Water stats in ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, and ph.

With columnaris you have to preform alot of salt baths aday. it stresses the fish to much.
Whats your location for a med.
Is the mouth rotting away.
I have a 60 gallon recently set up, I used live sand and my filter that used to be on my 30 gallon to cycle it quick, I have one 50gln filter and one 60 galloon filter, Im not sure about the water I know the ammonia is ok,I check it regularly.I have all african cichlids, the fish in question is a red zebra I believe. I got it from the various A. cichlid tank, I only had it for two days then noticed the cotton mouth stuff, i also noticed today that there's tiny red spots under the fuzzy white, I thought maybe it was from fighting with the other fish?

I have :

2 kenyyi
1 OB peacock
2 Red jewel
2 yellow labs
1 bumble bee?
1 Elongated Mbuna? not sure exctly what it is
1 various dark blue one with orange/red fins
1 albino
1 pictus catfish
1 striped raphael cat fish

all of them are young only about two inches each, the one affected is the biggest closer to three inches.
The LFS gave me an anti-fungul, that all natural, made with tea leaves or something so im on day two of that treatment, but the cichlid affected wont eat, maybe little tiny peices but I think its mouth is too painful for big pieces.
I have a 60 gallon recently set up, I used live sand and my filter that used to be on my 30 gallon to cycle it quick, I have one 50gln filter and one 60 galloon filter, Im not sure about the water I know the ammonia is ok,I check it regularly.I have all african cichlids, the fish in question is a red zebra I believe. I got it from the various A. cichlid tank, I only had it for two days then noticed the cotton mouth stuff, i also noticed today that there's tiny red spots under the fuzzy white, I thought maybe it was from fighting with the other fish?

I have :

2 kenyyi
1 OB peacock
2 Red jewel
2 yellow labs
1 bumble bee?
1 Elongated Mbuna? not sure exctly what it is
1 various dark blue one with orange/red fins
1 albino
1 pictus catfish
1 striped raphael cat fish

all of them are young only about two inches each, the one affected is the biggest closer to three inches.
The LFS gave me an anti-fungul, that all natural, made with tea leaves or something so im on day two of that treatment, but the cichlid affected wont eat, maybe little tiny peices but I think its mouth is too painful for big pieces.
now its even worse, it can even close its mouth, I called the store and they said I can exchange it, what should I do? I dont want my other fish to get sick, should i just treat it or return it? if i return it should I continue treating my tank anyways?
Tiny red spots can be septicemia or parasites.

Do the spots look like blood spots.

Myxazin by waterlife and pimafix. (UK)
Maracyn one and two. (US)

The med they gave you was it melafix or pimafix.

Get your water tested.
Tiny red spots can be septicemia or parasites.

Do the spots look like blood spots.

Myxazin by waterlife and pimafix. (UK)
Maracyn one and two. (US)

The med they gave you was it melafix or pimafix.

Get your water tested.
The med is primafix, the spots arent dark red, not really bloody looking. But today is the third day I have added meds and its getting worse, it looks like its lips are going to flake off, and disinigrated, theres more cotton stuff too. Ill try and attatch a photo.
I was going to return it to the store but, it was a pain and the butt to catch it, i have tooo many hiding spots, I guess I will wait and see with the treatment...I really hope it works.

its more fuzzy looking than the picture shows


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another question??? does anyone know what ype of african cichlidds tese are? black one has vertical barring and a whie strip from head along the top of top fin, looks like a skunk, it just started getting metalic blue thru out it. they are both about two inches, so theyre still young

this one is yellow/greenish grey with vertical barring, likes to chase all the other cichlids, pretty aggressive I guess, still young, black barring , was almost all grey when I bought it....sorry for spelling


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Tiny red spots can be septicemia or parasites.

Do the spots look like blood spots.

Myxazin by waterlife and pimafix. (UK)
Maracyn one and two. (US)

The med they gave you was it melafix or pimafix.

Get your water tested.
The med is primafix, the spots arent dark red, not really bloody looking. But today is the third day I have added meds and its getting worse, it looks like its lips are going to flake off, and disinigrated, theres more cotton stuff too. Ill try and attatch a photo.
I was going to return it to the store but, it was a pain and the butt to catch it, i have tooo many hiding spots, I guess I will wait and see with the treatment...I really hope it works.

its more fuzzy looking than the picture shows
P.S. just added ammo lock my ammonia was out of control
Need to add a bacterial med with the pimafix.

Pimafix is no good on it's own for columnaris.

Post the pics in the cichlid part of the forum.
Need to add a bacterial med with the pimafix.

Pimafix is no good on it's own for columnaris.

Post the pics in the cichlid part of the forum.
can you recommend a brand or name for a bacterial med? I have catfish too, will they be ok with it? thank you so much for your help.
United states maracyn.
Uk. Myxazin. Myxazin has m green as an ingredient so make sure you can use the full dose with catfish.

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