Ich Or Cotton Growth


Fish Fanatic
Mar 8, 2009
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So Heres the story. My tank has been cloudy green for the past few weeks, I have tried a complete blackout with the use of a trash bag for two weeks, which only helped for a few days before it the cloudy green water came back. So I added some Tetra AlgaeControl, which cleared the tank up in about 2 hours (i was shocked). About 2 days later I noticed that all of my platys were sitting on the bottom of the tank. About 2 days later I get a call from my brother, all my platys have white spots, So I had him throw in a dosage of the jungle Ick clear tank buddies (fizz tablets). I came home 2 days later, it looked bad, and lost 4 fish that morning.
When I saw it, it didn't really look like ick, it looked like cotton. One of the fish on his top fin, looked like he had a single piece of cotton string trailing behind him. So i threw in the jungle fungus tank buddies. Next morning, (yesterday) I went to the LFS, water tests came out 'ok', there was a small trace of nitrates but not in the 'bad' yet. He recommended me putting in pimafix. So I came home, did a water change (25%-40%), pulled out another 4-5, and added the pimafix.

I know I have only done one dosage of the pimafix (and the jungle meds were a bit on the old side), but is there something else that I should be doing. I expected to see some sort of change, but so far it looks like nothing has changed. Is pimafix the correct stuff for using? I do have a bottle of formulin, should i be using that instead? So far it looks I do not have this under control, so far only the platys have it, possible one of my pitbull pleco, and possible my 'stick fish'. Attached is a pic of one of the better platys, Any help would be great at this point.


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How many gallons or litres is the tank.
How many fish and which type.

I would recommend that you invest in some liquids test kits of your own.

Best to over filter a tank this way you don't get algae problems so much.
Is the tank in direct sunlight.

If the fish have cotton wool on them it sounds like columnaris.
Whitespot will look like the fish has been sprinkled in salt.

Did you remove whitespot med before adding the fungus med.

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