Mollies And Cichlids?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 5, 2010
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hi im new here, but anyway i was wondering will mollies get along with sa/ca cichlids?

grateful for any info
30 gallons i no it sounds bad but idk wat kind of cichlid they r ive had them for like 5 monthes now, my uncle gave them to me
Would you please not use text speak? It is a pet peeve of mine, I can not barely stand it when my friends use text speak. Using it on a phone is one thing, being as some people don't have a full QWERTY keyboard, but on the computer you should be more than capable of writing out full words.

[/end rant]

Anyways, you can keep mollies with cichlids, it really depends on the species. Could you possibly post a picture so I, or another member on here could properly identify them for you?
hi, i kept mollies with kribs for over a year, and they must have been happy, because i was constantly finding molly fry. but i suppose that some cichlids are more aggressive than others.

hope this helps :good:
Back to the subject at hand. I find that the smaller cichlids do fine with mollies. Some small ones that work OK are angels and rainbow cichlids. Angels are SA cichlids and Herotilapia multispinosa, rainbows, are CA cichlids. It would help a lot if we knew what the cichlids are that we are talking about. Can you post a picture and maybe we can identify them.

This is the Herotilapia that I was talking about. Adult size is only about 5 inches.
hi sorry kribensis, force of ahbit i guess. oh here are some pictures, sorry for the wierd size and bad quality ill try to get better ones later. they're maybe 4-5" hard to tell they dont satay in the same place for a long time, the females fins have a yellowish tint to them, and in normal light they have blueish yellowish eyes
Fish 2010 0010.JPG i think this is a male
heres the next one
Fish 2010 0012.JPG i think this is a female

also if anyone can help me sex them that'd be nice :)
this is the one that i think is female, i forgot to say they both have little spots of like a metallic blue on their fins
this might be a little better
Fish 2010 0013.JPG
ok so now people have told me that they are most likely firecon's do u think these will get along with mollies, the three that i have also are with some blue danios and get along fine.
I keep molly platy guppies nd cichlids together also have Molly fry in tank they r fine nd happy
syedosama said:
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