Hey folks,
Would just like to know the views of experienced plant keepers on how I currenlty have my setup running.
I have a 260l tank very heavily decorated with rock and Wood with various Anubias attached to wood / rock. I also have a couple of sword plants for background and christmas tree moss growing on various surfaces. Plants seem to be growing quite well and developing new leaves but they are not looking as good as I would like. I do get quite a few leaves on the anubias with pinholes or brown / black spots on which are removed every now and again. Also the same applies to the sword with several leaves deteriorating with larger holes / yellowing again regularly removed. I am not really getting much algae on very minimum spot algae only the glass occassionally.
I am running standard t5 lights (2 x54w) supplied with the Juwel 260 vision tank on for 8 hours a day.
I also have a Interpet Daylight Plus T5 Power Compact Lamp (36W) which comes on 1 hour before the main lights and goes off 2 hours before main lights. This also coincides (ran off same timer) as CO2 injection.
I use a D&D pressurised canister and regulator, the bubble checker is running around 3 - 4 bubbles per second and diffused via an "UP CO2 Atomiser 20". The diffused bubbles are then sucked straight into the inlet of my external filter and expelled via a spray bar into the tank. The spray bar is pointing slightly down to aviod too much surface aggitation and tiny bubbles are carried to most parts of the tank.
I fertilise daily with Easy life profito (3ml) and Easylife Carbo (5ml). I also add Flourish Trace twice weekly (15ml per time).
I have a drop checker in the tank which remains dark green, (not as light possibly as it should be) with 4dk solution.
I also have an airstone which is on / off at 1 hour intervals during "lights on" (same timer as 36W light and CO2)to ensure enough oxygen is in the water for my denisoni barbs (i know this could be why my CO2 levels arent as high as possible)
My substrate is a mixture of Seachem flourite Dark and Seachem flourite red.
Anyway this is my current setup, I perform twice weekly 25 - 30% water changes at same time I add flourishg trace.
My questions are simply;
1. What should I adjust on my setup and routine to imrove plant growth / General plant health?
2. There must be some sort of nutrient deficiency to be causing the holes, should i use another / more fertiliser than currently used?
3. Is dark green on the drop check showing enough CO2 should I inject more? Reduce surface aggitation further?
Thankyou very much for any advice on how to improve my current setup, I am sure there will be lots of things I am not currently doing right and am quite happy to take on board any suggestions to improve this.
Would just like to know the views of experienced plant keepers on how I currenlty have my setup running.
I have a 260l tank very heavily decorated with rock and Wood with various Anubias attached to wood / rock. I also have a couple of sword plants for background and christmas tree moss growing on various surfaces. Plants seem to be growing quite well and developing new leaves but they are not looking as good as I would like. I do get quite a few leaves on the anubias with pinholes or brown / black spots on which are removed every now and again. Also the same applies to the sword with several leaves deteriorating with larger holes / yellowing again regularly removed. I am not really getting much algae on very minimum spot algae only the glass occassionally.
I am running standard t5 lights (2 x54w) supplied with the Juwel 260 vision tank on for 8 hours a day.
I also have a Interpet Daylight Plus T5 Power Compact Lamp (36W) which comes on 1 hour before the main lights and goes off 2 hours before main lights. This also coincides (ran off same timer) as CO2 injection.
I use a D&D pressurised canister and regulator, the bubble checker is running around 3 - 4 bubbles per second and diffused via an "UP CO2 Atomiser 20". The diffused bubbles are then sucked straight into the inlet of my external filter and expelled via a spray bar into the tank. The spray bar is pointing slightly down to aviod too much surface aggitation and tiny bubbles are carried to most parts of the tank.
I fertilise daily with Easy life profito (3ml) and Easylife Carbo (5ml). I also add Flourish Trace twice weekly (15ml per time).
I have a drop checker in the tank which remains dark green, (not as light possibly as it should be) with 4dk solution.
I also have an airstone which is on / off at 1 hour intervals during "lights on" (same timer as 36W light and CO2)to ensure enough oxygen is in the water for my denisoni barbs (i know this could be why my CO2 levels arent as high as possible)
My substrate is a mixture of Seachem flourite Dark and Seachem flourite red.
Anyway this is my current setup, I perform twice weekly 25 - 30% water changes at same time I add flourishg trace.
My questions are simply;
1. What should I adjust on my setup and routine to imrove plant growth / General plant health?
2. There must be some sort of nutrient deficiency to be causing the holes, should i use another / more fertiliser than currently used?
3. Is dark green on the drop check showing enough CO2 should I inject more? Reduce surface aggitation further?
Thankyou very much for any advice on how to improve my current setup, I am sure there will be lots of things I am not currently doing right and am quite happy to take on board any suggestions to improve this.