Kitty Losing Hair


Aug 3, 2009
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New York
I noticed a couple of months ago that my cat, Birdie has lost some of her hair on her lower tummy area. It sorta looks like someone gave her a buzz cut. If you touch it that's exactly what it feels like. Her tummy has been pink, not reddish. I haven't noticed her doing anything unusual. Birdie has been acting the same way, eating normal drinking normal and playing normal. She is 10 years old and has never been outdoors. I haven't changed her food. I did change their kitty litter about 9 months ago to Fresh Step. I have no idea what this could be from. I never see her itching it or licking it either. My other cat, Marbles is fine. I noticed today as I was taking pictures of it to show you guys that there was a few little red lumps that sorta look like little pimples or maybe a rash? I know I should bring her to the vet but I wanted to see if anyone has ever experienced this before with their cat. I'm having money problems at the moment since Im unemployed.. so I was hoping one of you could give me an idea before I go.. Here are some pictures of it. You'll see I have the little pimple looking things circled in one of the photos.

Thanks in advance.



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hi :)

Well, im no expert, but id say, maybe parasites/fleas/lice...?


She's not an outdoor cat or is around any other animals that are outdoor. We live on the 3rd floor also. Is it possible for them to get a parasite even though they don't go outdoors?
As far as i am aware, and have read during research....

Parasites are present at all times. an example would be the litter tray. Parasites are present but when the litter is soiled excessivley, then the population will grow, and can be harmful to the animal that then goes to use the litter tray.

Id strongly advice taking the cat to+ the vets, but then again you could try an anit-insecticidel shampoo. (this is what i have done with my indoor rabbit, who is having the same problem atm)

Ludwig Ventor (the household pet forum leader) might be able to help when he is online. :)
I don't think the litter box is that dirty.. I change the entire thing every two days. I guess I'm going to have to take her to the vet.

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