My Odd One Out Of The Bunch


Fish Herder
Oct 5, 2009
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I've noticed that all of my females are the same in shape and tail/fin size apart from one.... :huh:

This one has a much slimmer body and yet longer fins and a slightly bigger tail, although is the same length as the rest. They were all bought at the same time so I've ruled age out on that one. Is it normal?

Pics to 'try' and show what I mean.

The odd one

One of the others

and one of them together to compare

Also are they standard tail types or do they have a bit of something special in them? I only ask because of the pointyness in their fins and tail.
That looks almost exactly like Bronson. Who is male.

I bought him with the others thinking him female, when in fact he was just young and he looked exactly like that. He still does but with slightly longer fins. It seems to be a very common colouring in th bog standard male plakats you find in pet store bettas. Most of the staff don't even spot that they're male until they mature.

I'd say keep a VERY close eye on that one for signs of flaring and chasing/agression towards the others. If they are all still young and you've only just had them then that one may well end up being a male by the look of it.
young males can display an ovispot, so its not terrifically reliable if the fish are young.
agree with Honeythorn. just keep a good eye on shim.
Looks exactly like my Sen. Same colouring as well . . . and he is almost certainly a PK male.

I bought Sen as a female but luckily he was still in quarantine when he started showing signs of being male.

The purple girl is also showing breeding stripes which implies the other one is a boy.
Try getting him/her/they to flare. I would also keep am eye on the other one that is picture. You may need to have a back-up plan ready. Keep a close eye on them. I brought three, met to be females, but two ended up to be two young PK's.
Well I've run a little experiment tonight.

I got two floating fry tank things...

In one I put the blue stripy lady from above

and in the other, Mr or Mrs odd one out.

I put the tubs side by side to see what reactions I would get and was surprised at the results. One of the other purple ladies who was still loose came up to the pot with the odd one in and they both have spent an hour doing lots of....


and plenty of this.......


So they've both been flaring at eachother??? I'd get some more separation nets/pots pronto if I were you.
So they've both been flaring at eachother??? I'd get some more separation nets/pots pronto if I were you.

Miss blue stripy got ignored in favour of the competition that came swimming up :/ So she's now been released and the two flarers are in the tubs at either end of the tank.
But looks like you have TWO male PKs :crazy:

Turns out that I have 3 :rolleyes:

Since removing/seperating the other two confirmed cases, the blue one has turned into a viscous little thing and has followed suit with the others.

So now I'm down to my 2 small pink and red ladies. Funny how they are still so small when the whole lot was the same size when I got them :huh:

EDIT: I actually have 5! sigh!

All of them are male. One has been rehomed in our tank upstairs with the cory's and a kuhli loach and the rest are being returned tommorow.
Most pet stores and usually most chains store employees cannot spot even a young male plakat in with their bulk bought groups of ladies, so it's not surprising you have a load of males.

Most employees will recognise a veiltail or other fancy betta as they are the more sought after and recognisable for their finnage and colours . But when you take them back, point out the fins and behaviour and tell them to check and separate their stock to avoid people coming back with returns.
Most pet stores and usually most chains store employees cannot spot even a young male plakat in with their bulk bought groups of ladies, so it's not surprising you have a load of males.

Most employees will recognise a veiltail or other fancy betta as they are the more sought after and recognisable for their finnage and colours . But when you take them back, point out the fins and behaviour and tell them to check and separate their stock to avoid people coming back with returns.

How much do I wish I had a hidden camera on me today!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

I took them back and told one of the girls about the situation and she took them and disappeared somewhere. Next minute a guy who works there comes racing up with them in hand, and the conversation went as follows -

Him - who told you there are males!?
me - Myself, and many keen knowledgable betta owners
him - well they aren't! they're females them, they've got short fins see...not like them (he points to male veiltales)
me- No, they are male veiltales and these are male plakats...there are many types of betta you know
him - no they're girls! I'm not arguing with you they're girls - (and he proceeded to point out the longer finned veil tales again)
me - girls dont have beards, flare like crazy and take scales off each other all day long
him - (silence)
me - you don't do books on fish here do you?
him - no
me - yeah you can tell :lol:

So anyway he carried on and on and wouldn't back down, I of course was wrong only being a petty customer but he said he'd take them back anyway.

So the girl stood and asked him what to do with them and he told her to put them in the quarantine tank in the back together!
I just looked and said - you'll see!

So I left her with the message to tell mr know it all to do a bit of research :lol:

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