Strange/annoying Things Your Betta Does


Fish Addict
Mar 4, 2009
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I created this topic as I just noticed that Ruby built a bubble nest around the thermometer, so I can read it! It's a hex tank so the surface is disrupted a lot, and the next is only around in inch in diamater, but is an inch or so high!

Also, about once a month, he has a grumpy phase, especially after a starve day, where he just flares and anything. I think he gets even more annoyed when I laugh as him.
Not so much annoying as kind of dangerous: one of my bettas continously jumps out of the water at my hand when I go to change his water. He loves to play and basically leaps out like a carnivoristic dolphin! lol I do think he's trying to eat me.
There's a few things, but the one I mainly think of is four of the six boys I have jump out when I put their pellets in - luckily their dividers are tall enough to not jump over - just always makes me yelp as they frit me!
Nom their tails to bits? :crazy: Anything else would be a mere distraction!
My ancient old boy Professor likes to sleep floating on his side on the top of the water or wedged upside down in his silk plants... if it didn't scare me everytime I'd think it was funnier...
Alpha has some interesting characteristics... Some would call them annoying. Some would call them infuriating. I call them quirky!

Like the Betta mentioned earlier (Professor), Alpha enjoys sleeping upsidedown in his plants.

He also does the following:

-Wedges himself into the smallest possible areas including between the filter and the back of the tank (it's an internal Elite Stingray... not much space!), the heater, and between the thermometer and the side of the tank.

-On the occasion that he cannot fit into a space, he will flare at the offending space (like the small 1/4 cm gap between the thermometer and the glass it is suction cupped to) and then continually ram his head into it until he either fits, or gets tired.

-The Mag-Float must be 2" under the water, as when I used to leave it partially above the surface, he would launch himself on top of it, so his head and body were half out of the water, and then gasp for air until I moved the magnet.

-He flares at everything, but his favourite things to flare at are my room mate and his food. Of course, he'll never flare for pictures though.

-He always builds massive bubble nests, right over his airstone (which I turn off at night and when I'm not around), so that I feel bad when I turn the airstone on and ruin it.

-Alpha requires a mirror next to his tank 24/7, otherwise he gets angry and chews up his tail. He's reduced it to less-than-half it's size, TWICE!

-When Alpha lived with 3 panda cory's, he used to be fed a flake food (Pet store Betta... it was all he was used to)... That was... until I started feeding the cory's shrimp pellets. He would steal their shrimp pellets and parade around the tank with it sticking out of his mouth. Problem is, the pellet was fairly large, and solid. Intended for bottom feeders who feed slowly. He would hold the pellet until it was soft enough to bite, would rip a chunk off and throw the rest to the surface, swallow the chunk, and catch the rest before the cory's could get it. I had to feed the corys after the tank lights went off so they could actually eat. Since then, Alpha has eaten a varied diet of 2 different types of flake, blood worms, and shrimp pellets. I actually have a picture somewhere of him parading around with the shrimp pellet... if I can find it, I'll edit this and attach it later.

*EDIT*: added a picture from my cellphone of him parading around with a shrimp pellet.


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He would hold the pellet until it was soft enough to bite, would rip a chunk off and throw the rest to the surface, swallow the chunk, and catch the rest before the cory's could get it.

My bettas like to swim around with food in their mouths too. Especially when I fed them peas. This is weird, but one time I kept trying to feed one of my girls peas and the pieces kept going to the bottom and then finally she caught a piece and did her usual swimming around with it. . .then before I realized I should take the rest of the peas out, she swam down and goobled every morsel and then BLOATED up and bits of peas came out her gills!!! Luckily she was back to normal later on!
One of my girls always tries to swim up the siphon when I change the water. She swims closer and closer... and then gets super freaked out and darts away like crazy. And then does it again. I'm always so nervous when I clean her tank argh.
One of my girls always tries to swim up the siphon when I change the water. She swims closer and closer... and then gets super freaked out and darts away like crazy. And then does it again. I'm always so nervous when I clean her tank argh.
Both of my girls do this too. One time my little blue one saw food going up the vacuum part and before I knew it, she torpedoed into it chasing after the food! I had to quickly yank it apart from the tube to keep her from getting hurt. Nothing happened to her and she still tries to swim up the vacuum.
My betta eats food off the floor of the tank. I think this is quite unusual, but he has become more interested in the food for the corys and loaches than his own. It started with bloodworm and pea when he realised that they still taste as good off the sand. Now he will go to the bottom after I have fed the other fish and eat their food. I try to distract him with his pellets or flake, but I think he finds food less fun if he's not stealing it off another fish :angry:. It's hard to make sure he's not overfed. How he's not one big round ball of fatness I don't know, but he's not.
Not so much annoying as kind of dangerous: one of my bettas continously jumps out of the water at my hand when I go to change his water. He loves to play and basically leaps out like a carnivoristic dolphin! lol I do think he's trying to eat me.

THIS. Bronson does this and has landed on the worktop many times, once he even managed to flip himself off before I could grab him and landed on the carpet! He's a real swine for it. He does get terribly excited/angry, loves to attack my fingers too espescially if I have bright nailpolish on. :lol:

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